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GLOSSYBOX – Giveaway!! (Closed)

You all know the hype around GlossyBox. After creating a lot of sensation in the west, GlossyBox have finally come to India and will be sending out their first edition of glossy boxes in March 2012. I’ve already written about them here

GLOSSYBOX is a beautifully wrapped box containing a mix of five travel and full sized products, carefully curated by the experts. They have for partnered not only with the world’s most admired and respected beauty and cosmetic houses, but also with luxurious Indian brands.

And now GlossyBox has decided to give one lucky reader of Vanity No Apologies their first March glossy box for free!

glossybox valentine

I can’t wait to get my hands on it! If you are a guy, you may like to surprise your girl by getting it delivered straight to her door!

march glossybox

To win the March edition of GlossyBox, here is what you have to do:
Compulsory Rules:

1. Like GlossyBox and Vanity No Apologies on Facebook and write and update your status tagging both @GlossyBox and @VanityNoApologies saying:
“I love @GlossyBox, which is why I want to get the first Box for free @Vanity No Apologies!”

2. Subscribe to my e-mail updates.

Optional Rules:

  • Add me to your circles on Google Plus (2 entries)
  • Do a blog post about this giveaway on your blog using the first picture and link back to this giveaway post. (2 entries)
  • Add the giveaway on your blog sidebar (2 entries)
Comment below in this format:
Facebook name:
Email id:
Link to the facebook status:
Google Plus Id:
Blog Post link (if any):
Blog link (if any):
Your Favourite Beauty Tip or anything else you would like to tell me:
That’s it. The giveaway ends on 20th Feb and is open to Indian Residents only. The winners will be announced a couple of days after that. Best of luck! If any questions, ask me.

24 thoughts on “GLOSSYBOX – Giveaway!! (Closed)”

  1. Facebook name:Neha Gajanan gavankar
    Email id: gavankarneha@in.com vanitynoapologies(at)gmail(dot)com]
    Link to the facebook status: [click on the status time to get the link. for ex: click on updated 5 mins ago]
    Google Plus Id: mgossipqueen
    Blog Post link:
    Blog link:
    Your Favourite Beauty Tip or anything else you would like to tell me: lactoclalamine in the night everyday will keep all the zits at bay

  2. Facebook name:synthia dey
    Email id:synthia.dey8@gmail.com
    Link to the facebook status:http://www.facebook.com/synthia.dey
    Google Plus Id:synthia dey
    Blog Post link (if any):
    Blog link (if any):
    Your Favourite Beauty Tip or anything else you would like to tell me:well its kinda funny but i would love to have it…cos i hv nevr won anythng in ths manner as of nw..!!so ya 1st tym..love n luck synthia..<3

  3. Facebook name: Suneha Bhatia
    Email id: achiever_838@yahoo.com
    Link to the facebook status: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=306542689401808&id=100001382383844
    Google Plus Id: Suneha Bhatia (achiever_838@yahoo.com)
    Blog Post link : http://beautyyobsessed.blogspot.in/2012/02/win-sensational-glossybox-with-vanity.html
    Blog link : http://beautyyobsessed.blogspot.in
    Your Favourite Beauty Tip or anything else you would like to tell me: Mix milk, honey, rose water & glycerine in equal proportions. Apply on face and wash with cold water after 15-20 min. Your skin will glow & will become beautiful. Another tip, spread unconditional love without evaluating the pros and cons but rather carelessly loving because that’s what makes you feel blessed and beautiful.


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