You have seen me talking about GlossyBox with all the grand launch but since they decided to push their launch date, we have our loyal and desi beauty box at our rescue..the
Blisscovered Box! Its a monthly subscription service where you pay Rs.700 and get a box full of travel or full sized products. The contents are kept a mystery till you open it so its so much fun and excitement. Everyone gets a different box so the girls can have some sort of Blisscovered opening sleepover night where every girl would go “aaahhh” with every box being opened! And how cute is the lavender packaging?
So without further ado let’s see what’s inside… say your “ahhhhaas” please
Ahaaan not quite..everything is wrapped inside this purple paper
Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Moisturising Emulsion: 15ml. Always wanted to try emulsions…most excited about this one.
Chambor Eye shadow trio in Dazzling Sphinx. My first Chambor eye shadows.
Chambor eye and lip makeup remover. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this one.
The Nature’s Co. Lemon Peel exfoliating body wash and Coffee Face Scrub
CK One Shock Perfume Sample…love at first sniff!
So these were the contents:
- Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Moisturising Emulsion: 15ml – value Rs.680 (full size 75ml for Rs.3400)
- Chambor Eye shadow trio in Dazzling Sphinx : price Rs.495
- Chambor eye and lip makeup remover: Travel size 30ml – value Rs.213 (full size 120ml for Rs.850)
- The Nature’s Co. Lemon Peel exfoliating body wash and Coffee Face Scrub – 5ml each (full size 250ml body wash for Rs.775 and 125ml face scrub for Rs.525)
- CK One Shock Perfume Sample (full size 50ml for Rs.2025)
They also sent these personalized that. Also there were discount vouchers in case you want to purchase the full size products from their site. They also provided a manual with all the required product information.
What I like?
- I’m linking the bigger sizes as compared to the January samples.
- The pretty box itself. I’m already considering it for my accessories storage. Since its nice looking, you don’t need to DIY it!
- Chambor makeup! Everyone was so bummed last time with no makeup at all. And the eye shadow trio is full sized…hi5!
- The Rs.300 discount coupon for purchase above Rs.1000. Plus there is a Rs.100 coupon too in case your order is around Rs.500. I’m definitely using one of these coupons.
- My name on the card…haha
What I don’t like?
- I don’t think they paid attention to the preferences profile I filled. I specially said I don’t want bath products and they have sent me those mini body washes.
- I was kinda expecting some MUFE. But then its okay I got Chambor!
Price: Rs.700 ($14)
So should you sign up? I think so. The mere month long excitement of what products you would be getting is enough to get me excited! The value of the box is much more than Rs.700 so its paisa vasool too. You get to try new brands. People may say you can get some of these samples when you make a purchase from the respective brands but I don’t see myself going to their store..kinda loyal addicted to a set of brands so I don’t see it as a con. And well…I was expecting Glossybox next month but since they have postponed their release date to the end of the year, I’m signing up with Blisscovered.
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u got the Chambor trio too???? oh god please please please please let me get it too... PLEASeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... sigh.. hoping to get my box by tomorrow....
Great stuff you got Anshita :) Do tell us how the chambor eye shadow trio is..
n the perfume is lovely,,isn't it!!
only 700rs :O :O shocking !
The products look great. They didn't send me the February box saying that they don't have products matching my Beauty profile !! So maybe I'll get one in March.. : )
Greattttttt dealll!!! For 700 bucks :)
Lovely! The packaging is sooo pretty and that's a whole bunch of goodies, nice to see they included some makeup items as well
Hi! We are so glad you liked your box! Definitely keep us updated on what you think fo the products! We love them all!
So far, I loved their samples in your box. Hoping for it to arrive at my doorstep soon. Guess what, this time I felt so excited about the nature's Co. samples in your box and then the shesheido!!
Perfumes? Always welcome. Enjoy your samples!!
@lancy and bidisha ya quite a steal in 700 bucks ;)
@nitika oh really? what did you fill!!
@suma you havent got it still? i thought you would be getting it sooner since u live near mumbai..