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Vanity No Apologies International Giveaway: Win Lush, Maybelline, L’oreal, Skin79, Elizabeth Grant, Avon and more

international beauty giveaway
win makeup goodies in the international giveaway
Yes you read right…its giveaway time at VNA. Its Harry Potter’s birthday tomorrow so I gotta celebrate. Err..okay. There are loads of changes in the pipeline. New design, new look, new features…no it will still be a Beauty and Fashion blog duh! Its just I will add some new features. If you follow me on twitter then you may know that I’m moving to wordpress. I’m so fed up with the same look from past 1 year and can’t do much about it. So yes wordpress shift will be happening any time next month, I just need to finalize a few things. So I suggest you follow me via other methods apart from GFC becuase I’m not sure if you will still be getting my updates on your dashboard.

I’ve loads of stuff to giveaway this time, you know the ‘generous’ me. Anybody can participate. Just fill out the rafflecopter widget below for the formalities. Most of the entries are optional but you can do them to increase your chances…simple probability. All the prizes are new and never used.
Giveaway open worldwide. Wherever you are, I will reach you! If you are here first time and feeling lost then just mail me and ask!
*i will be checking each and every entry myself. Those who try to cheat will be disqualified. We bloggers put a lot of hard work into giveaways, respect that.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

233 thoughts on “Vanity No Apologies International Giveaway: Win Lush, Maybelline, L’oreal, Skin79, Elizabeth Grant, Avon and more”

  1. Thanks for the great giveaway! I hope I win!

    My beauty secret is to use olive oil wherever and whenever I need hydration

  2. Such an amazing giveaway! I like the fact that VNA features really realistic posts and love the way you write them!

  3. thank you for the giveaway!! love the goodies<3

    Like to read your articles and how you make them so fresh and crisp!!

  4. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    My beauty secret is to use olive oil to remove the make up… My face is clean… wow!!!

    I hope to win… finger crossed! ;)

  5. Hey

    I feel so lazy to participate in giveaways but this time your giveaway was attractive enough. I was lured to participate.

    I love the way you write and manage your blog. One thing I would like you to emphasize on social media marketing.

  6. ohaii :D

    I Like: Your Honest Reviews <3
    I Dislike: Blog’s plain white background ;P

    Thanks for the OSM giveaway Ansh!!!

  7. Hey Ansh awesome giveaway..
    I like your writings…One thing I just wanna say is you can add some colors to your blog and make it colorful !! It would look prettier I guess

  8. What i love about your blog is that you care about it and you put effort in your posts. I love your reviews because they are honest and i can always trust your opinion. I don’t really have something i don’t like about your blog. Thank you!

  9. I like everything on your blog..though i am new member but till now whatever i have read and gone through..i enjoyed it <3

  10. I like the way you present all the reviews with lovely pictures.
    What I don’t like…hmmm…maybe you can include more foundation and base makeup reviews. :) thank you

  11. Awesome Giveaway!
    1.I like your writing style, it’s like a girl next door attitude you have & some of your Witty posts cheer me up.
    2. Would want you to write more posts on Delhi & the street fashion there.

  12. Love everything about VNA.. love ur pics and ur witty writing style :) way to go girl :)
    take care and thanks for the wonderful giveaway :)

  13. I came accross your blog today itself,and it kept me glued upto almost 2hrs,i am just loving everything regarding your blog.The fact tht am almost your age makes it even more fun to read your blog.I liked the way you give your blog titles sound so interesting.you are doing a grt job!!keep it up.
    it would be really helpful if you could do a post on the step by step process on how to shop at asos from india.since its an online shopping website makes it actually risky for college shoppers like me to order sumthin.kinda a guide would be really helpful.all thebest!!!I hope 2 win…:)

  14. I love the VNA! The beauty post’s, the amazing giveaway’s! It’s a pleasure folloing your blog!
    Kiss from Portugal :)*

  15. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    My beauty secret is to use honey and lemon mixture!!!
    I Like Your Honest and dedicated Reviews
    I hope to win… finger crossed! ;)

  16. love your reviews..love your blog my beauty tip i wash my face with aspirin once every week.so it will look nice..thank you for the apportunity

  17. before buying bb cream i wanted to know its reviews
    so i googled it and this is how i came across to your blog..my favourite post is the bb cream review and also how to spot fake bb cream…it was a great post and very helpful

  18. I like the honesty of your reviews and that you don’t just go along with the crowd.I also find your writing style to be fresh and interesting. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.

  19. NIce giveaway…
    I like the way you write posts on ur blog. U write really well.
    Cannot really find out what I donot like on ur blog.

  20. Thank you for the lovely Giveaway.

    The best thing which I love about your blog VNA is the honest reviews about various makeup products and the makeup tutorials. Your blog is quite informative and inspiring.
    There is nothing which I dislike about your blog.

    My Email Id :- bidishabanerjee@live.com

  21. the number of widgets takes time to load. But that could also be my sucky internet connection. I love the rest of it, How your reviews are always thorough.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    I did not add your link to my blogroll, I added the blog image on the sidebar instead along with the giveaway image.

  22. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    I love your reviews and your blog is perfect as it is!
    Kiss from Portugal <3

  23. Hey there! :) Awesome giveaway! :) What I like about VNA? Frequency of posts and style of writing.Dislike? Umm nothing really :)
    All the best with wordpress move! :)
    Namita <3
    Entered as Namita <3

  24. Tutorials are definitely my favourite part :)
    And reviews, of course (I appreciate the honesty)…
    No complaints so far :)

    Awesome giveaway, btw <3!

  25. This is a great giveaway and an awesome blog too! I’m a new follower and so glad I was led here by a Twitter link! I’d love to see some OOTD from you :) to go with your fabulous makeup and nails

  26. HEY!! i love your blog. my favourite posts are product reviews…they are very thorough and honest!!
    the only thing which i would like you to change about the blog is the font, thats it. its just that its a little hard on the eyes… everything else if perfect :))

  27. Wow love the giveaway … and for now because i’m a new reader I don’t hate anything on your blog, i like it a lot :)

  28. hi!!thanks for this amazing giveaway!! i love reading your review..:D & i can’t rate the VNA products because it’s not available here in our country but i love to try it out.. :

  29. Im a new reader..i like ur reviews n hauls..bt ur blog isnt that attractive..glad that ur changing the background..

  30. I greatly like your writing skills for each post and what I don’t like about your blog is that I am seriously getting addicted to it!!! and m loving it…
    this is a fun giveaway and has lot of my favorite products and some which I have been looking to buy for the longest time…. precisely! this package should come directly to its mama!!…meeeee

  31. I like the reviews posted on your blog. I get very useful tips by your reviews before I buy the products and spend the money. thanks. and also thanks for this type of giveaways.

  32. Love reviews!! :) been reading your blog for long now! i dont like the ads kinda placing itself here and there i wish it wouldnt be there :)

  33. Many-many Congratulations on your mesmerizing Giveaway!Hope you have loads & loads of fan-followers in coming days! Well, i love the way you manage your awesome blog & a suggestion from we would be that i’d like to see public polls & reviews upon your products, that would be great!

    ~A makeup beauty tip for everyone: To enhance the appearance of our eyebrows, we can apply charcoal colored powder eye-shadow with our finger tips instead of using eyebrow pencil.

    Have entered your Rafflecopter application. Fingers crossed! :)

  34. Awesome blog i must say, & the way you manage it! I love its complete layout! Amazing giveaway; referred by Maitreni Mishra !

  35. I like to read all your blogpost especially about the DIY’s, beauty tips, and also review ;)
    mmm I don’t like if I’ve missed your newest :)
    for further, just keep on your writing and… fighting!! ^^

  36. thanks for the awesome giveaway, love everything about your blog especially your product reviews, way to go girl :)

  37. i like that you include a variety of products for all types of skin and beauty issues :) like acne and oily skin, for example.

  38. the first time i’m entering a giveaway… want more review on bb cream plz… thx before…

  39. hie,

    i like yur who wore what section..

    i wud like to see more of yur honest reviews on make up products

    thanks for such a great giveaway!!!

  40. Well, I’m new here and I’ve read your posts from August and something I love are the haul posts, that’s my favourite part, I’d like to see more about that and reviews :)

  41. lovely giveaway…
    jus love VNA….all true product reviews, expert new advises n most of all love ur creative pics :)

  42. OMG OMG! I commented on the FB page and I want to comment here too!! This is such an awesome giveaway!!! Me entered!!!… :) hope to win!! :)
    And I can trust only VNA to host such awesome giveaways! :) :) <3 Love VNA!! :)

  43. I wish I get the Skin 79 BB cream!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

    BTW do we need to do all the points for the giveaway?

  44. I love jewelry :D thanks for this giveaway :) It’s the 1st time I’m entering this type of giveaway, I’m super-exited ^_^

  45. I love your reviews.. I think you can improve on your themes or the layout of your blog, and a great quality for the photos :)

    thanks for this awesome giveaway :)

  46. I like all because you do hair tutorial and make up review. i didnt find what i dont like yet :D

  47. I like how you play with words & make it so readable. I love your posts! Thanks for this super cool giveaway. I’ll be so damn happy if i win this! :D

  48. hey … i love your blog ..so colorful and fresh..
    love the way u put your words together…. <3

    keep the good work on. :)

  49. Lovely giveaway. I like everything about your blog so far. I really like the clean layout you have and the fact that theres not too much going on in your page.

  50. I really love evrything . . BAsically I love the different varieties of the posts you have. .

    Lovely Giveaway dear . .Keeping my fingers crossed . .:)

  51. Awesome giveaway….well u r generous indeed :-)

    I love the way u throw in humour in ur posts…they are a delight to read

    I do not have any dislikes yet-i only wish i could catch up on ur posts often

  52. I love your review post..
    And most of your post is informative!
    Great job, keep writing dear, love your blog :D

  53. hi i like ur blog
    thanz for a big giveaway!!!!!!!!!
    i hope i win this time
    keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!!!!

  54. I love your blov I cant think of anything I dont like! The add at the top of the page is a bit distracting though :) xx

  55. i love the way you write your posts and i love you :P youre so pretty… and awesome reviews…

    what i dont like? nothing its perfect

  56. I love your reviews and swatches, they are very helpful in decisions whether to buy something or not :) But I don’t like your banner nor the template! You should really change it and make it more beautiful and modern ;)

    kisses from Denmark,
    Joanna (laurkaaa @ hotmail.com)

  57. Entered! :) Hope i win. :D
    The best thing i like abt VNA are the fashion and celebrity posts. They are fun to read and ofcourse good for the style quotient as well. ;)

  58. Hi, im from srilanka, read your blog for the great reviews and tips :) first time commenting though. A good tip is, i use baking soda, a tsp with honey as a scrub once a week. It really cleans and brightns the skin :). You can use it as a body scrub too :)


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