TIGI Bed Head Urban Anti Dotes Recovery #2 Shampoo and Conditioner Review
The only Bed Head I knew of a couple of years back was the out of bed messy hair look. And if you ask me, I prefer straight out of bed hair better than the combed and polished hair any day. May be that is why combing my hair in the morning comes at the bottom of my things to do in the morning list..yep right after “read the morning paper”. So now when you know my priorities, we can move ahead. I always wanted to try TIGI Small Talk after I saw it in the Lakme Absolute salon..only because it looked fun and cute (I’m still not sure what its supposed to do) All I know is I want it on my dresser..just to look at it. Alrigh enough of “small talk” and let’s come straight to today’s review of two TIGI Bed Head products: anti dotes shampoo and conditioner.
Bed Head Claims: Urban Antidote #2 Shampoo- you’ve dyed, you’ve fried, so take your dull hair to the bright side! Help moisture-deprived hair for a massive recovery. Let this potion help strengthen & shine your worn out locks.
Urban Antidote #2 Conditioner- drench moisture-deprived hair with a rush of hydration that gets stressed-out tresses back in action & on the road to recovery. You’ll be addicted to how stunning your hair looks!

The Urban Anti Dotes range has got 3 lines: Damage Level 1, 2 and 3.
1. Tigi Urban Anti dote #1 – Re-energize Shampoo and Conditioner – for normal hair that needs a daily pick me up
2. Tigi Urban Anti dote #2 – Recovery Shampoo and Conditioner – for dry, damaged hair that needs a moisture fix
3. Tigi Urban Anti-dote #3 – Ressurection Shampoo and Conditioner – for weak, brittle, chemically treated hair that needs an intensive intervention
The TIGI experts had a look at my hair and suggested me #2..so my damage level lies somewhere in between!

The first thing you notice about the shampoo is the sweet fruity fragrance which is not strong but enough to last while you are in the shower. I’m not a great fan of fruity fragrances (they give me a headache) but this one is surprisingly pleasant. I wish all my toiletries smelled like that!
The shampoo has a runny consistency and sparkly white in colour. One thing I noticed is that it doesn’t lather much. Its a good thing to me since I don’t like foaming shampoos because of the high dose of SLS in them. This Recovery shampoo has got SLS too but I guess the percentage isn’t much. It gives a squeaky clean scalp and keeps away the greasiness for 2-3 days. Yep I only wash my hair twice a week and it comes down to just once in winters (talk of being lazy!) The first few times I used this shampoo it gave me such soft and smooth tresses but after a while my hair got immune to it and it won’t show the kind of results it showed during the first few weeks. I don’t know if its the changing season or something else, but at this price I would expect a little more.

Coming to the conditioner, its a total star. It doesn’t smells of fruits and peaches like the shampoo does but it does what its supposed to do..condition! The colour is white and the texture is quite creamy. The consistency is neither much thick or thin but somewhere in between which makes it spread quite easily. I’ve played a lot with the amount of #2 conditioner I should use and I’ve concluded that two rich dollops are enough for my waist long hair. It makes my hair quite soft and smooth and I can feel the difference on days when I don’t use it. Since its not much thick, it never weighs down my hair. With the winters approaching, I’ve got some great expectations from this one.

The packaging of both the shampoo and conditioner in this Level 2 range is kept metallic blue. Although Bed Head is quite famous for its fun, colourful and creative packaging but this clinical packaging goes well with the whole Anti Dotes theme.

The packaging for #1 is metallic yellow and for #2 is metallic red which I think means “Girl what are you thinking?! Your hair state is alarming!” Talking of the quantity, I’m impressed. I’ve been using the duo from last two months and I think it would last me another couple of months. And as always..I would be left with an unfinished bottle of conditioner to use without the shampoo! So I’m making it a point to use the conditioner as often as I can.

Price: Rs.700 and Rs.850 for shampoo and conditioner respectively (you can buy TIGI products online)
VNA Rating: 3/5 for shampoo and 4/5 for conditioner
So is it for you? TIGI Bed Head Urban Anti Dotes Recovery #2 range is for you if you have dry and damaged hair which need moisture. Go for #1 if you have normal hair and #3 if your hair are chemically treated and damaged a lot. The shampoo smells great but with time your hair may get immune to the treatment. If I’ve to recommend, I would say go for the conditioner..its quite good.
Product sent by the brand for consideration