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The Last Winter Sun: Starlets on Streets

polka dress

One of the many things great about the freezing cold is the sun that’s shines so freaking bright. And now the winters are gone. I wish I could just pack up everything and go live somewhere on the snowy mountains..trust me I love my winters served freaking cold. And these are pictures from the day when we last wore our jumpers…..and the day when I almost fainted. If there is one thing I CANNOT

stand then its direct sunlight. The shoot took place in my college campus around 3pm and let’s say…I’m not doing it again, atleast not under the sun!

Btw let’s welcome another Starlet on VNA. When all of you are busy burning a hole in your pocket trying to get those noodle like curls, this girl spends her nights trying to do away with them. That’s Shruti for you.

Let’s look at the pictures I burned my a** for!

winter outfit

red clutch

woolen tights

black leggings

 Can you do this? LOL

fashion bloopers

Some candid shots I took..these aren’t exactly bloopers but…let’s just…..Ted….just…okay?

Polka dot dress: thrifted
Black woolen leggings: thrifted
Cardigan: Max
Shoes: Stilettos
Red clutch: Oriflame
Red lips: Colorbar Hot Hot Hot
Maggi hair: genetic

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