The Best Street Styles at Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week
There are 4 kinds of people you can spot at fashion weeks. The first ones are fashion designers and editors who take up the front row. The second category belongs to the serious buyers and CEOs who are seen in hush hush conversations with the first category. The third ones are the easiest to spot. They carry their DSLRs around their neck as easily as they carry their 4inch shoes. Yep its us fashion bloggers. And the last category belongs to the aam janta who get their passes from a friend of friend who works for a friend. But all the 4 ranks are dressed impeccably. I attended Day 2 of WIFW Spring Summer 2015
Lisha’s looking so hot. Great pics. But where’s yours? Was expecting to see yours too. Have an amazing time.
awww thankuu love xo
Yeah.. Lisha is looking Hawt.. :)
Interesting to see the pics ..really liked what Lisha is wearing… It is suiting her a lot :)
I’m loving Lee’s Outifit! Mwaahhh babe u look so pwettyyy <3 :*
Awesome clicks :)
Lisha, would you please tell us from where did you buy that dress?? Its perfect and I need it in my life.
Its from Lookbook. :)
I love what Lisha and Shreya is wearing!! and Lisha’s hair!! Oooh..and the green hair.. shutting up now.. this post kinda made me go gaga.. :D
Would love it if you would cover more of such off stage fashion looks.. :D