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Starlets On Streets: Where’s the Party Tonight? On my Arms!

arm bangles
arm party

Back with another post in the “Street Diaries” series featuring my favourite model M! She is one sardarni (yeah that’s what i call her – “sardarni”!) with great taste. In a store full of clothes, I always know what she will pick…and same goes with her too.
So there is this new phenomenon which has hit the girls world over – Arm Party. Wearing truck load of flashy jewelery on one arm. The best way how I like it is to wear two wrist watches together thrown with a couple of bangles.

The best places in Delhi to shop for such junk  fine pieces of art are street markets. Sarojini nagar, Kamla Nagar, GK M block market are one of the most popular choices. Kamla Nagar is always crowded with the north campus DU people. But I always tend to over look it…you never go to places that are near you.

Here are a few pictures I clicked on the streets of Sarojini market. Ummm…there’s so much of sarojini stuff going on VNA, maybe I should rename it Sarojini No Apologies!

PS – Dont get confused with the series name. I’m one confused soul so I’m still searching for the best. Street Chic, Street Style, Street Files, Street Diaries – tell me which one you like best and I’ll finalize it!

metallic bangles
metallic jewelry on M’s hands
bangles different
different styles of bangles on display
bangles colourful
bangle set

You get these type of bangle sets for some 50bucks. You can have them custom made for you too.

nail paints colourful

M clicked it while I was trying out different colours on me. There is this fuschia on the middle finger on my left hand, it came out as pink but its very bright person. I will post a NOTD with it later.
By the way do you like different colours on each nail? People give you all sorts of weird looks but perks of being a fashion blogger I say!

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