You remember Ariel, the little mermaid? And her cute yellow fish, Flounder and the red crab, Sebastian? I so miss them. This was one among the many disney shows I grew up watching. Y U NO SHOW Ariel anymore? So the memory rekindled when I spotted these mermaid slippers (chappals?) at a very popular market last month (or last November to be accurate…yeah yeah *rolls eyes*). Some of you have asked me to cover some more less popular Delhi markets on VNA instead of popping yet another Sarojini Market
Forever 21 post at the first chance. So I was kinda reluctant…..but that’s the beauty of Sarojini..you get so much here!
What do you think about these fish like chappals? You see its eye? I love such detailing. These are very cute but..a little less practical with that tail hanging around everywhere! The price was approx Rs.300 if I’m not wrong.
Well a lot of you asked why I was absent (thank you for missing me..I’m over the moon after reading all those comments and mails). My wi-fi started just this week after a month..A MONTH!! That explains my long absence from blog-sphere. I’ve so much to catch up on. I’m already reading my fav blogs in the other tab. I always read you..just never get around to leave comments.

I just completed the L ord of the Rings
trilogy..I’ve been very productive over this past month you know! Each of the parts were 4hrs long! But I managed to complete the series in 2 days. Now I’ve a lot of queries. I always do. Like where did the ship take
Frodo, Bilbo, Gandalf and the elves in the end? Undying lands? Just a metaphor or is this really a place?
Because my research says okay I’m not going to bother you. I guess I will have to read the book now! I always go into a bit of “research” mode after watching every movie.
Expect daily posting now. And I promise to explore newer Delhi street markets now..pinky swear.