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23 Simple Tips to Take Off Holi Colors Safely

Top 23: Simple Tips to Take Off Holi Colors Safely from Face, Hair, Body

Holi, the festival of colors, leaves us completely speechless when it comes to handling hangovers. Holi Colors are often obstinate and do not go away easily. No matter how much we enjoy playing and getting smeared with colors, the aftermath of playing holi is a little complicated. Stubborn colors, blemishes and discoloration take the fun away. Now, the good news is, this lock has many keys. There are some simple tips to remove holi colours naturally from your face, hair, body, eyes, lips and nails. I’m listing down both pre and post holi care and both of them are important. Here’s how you can get rid of Holi colors without letting the frustration slip in:

Skin and Hair Precautions Before Holi:

1. Rub Oil on your Face and Hair:

Before you actually get on to the task of throwing colors on your buddies, rub some Coconut Oil or Olive oil on your face, hands and ears. This will ensure that there is not enough of color absorption. Oil will act as a shield and will block the seepage of colors further.

2. Apply Nail Paint on your Nails

Apply transparent nail paint or go funky and apply the most Gothic colors if you want. This way, holi colors will not attack you nails in any manner. If you are applying just a transparent coating, apply three or four coatings.

3. Don’t Shave your Face

For men preparing to celebrate Holi in an ostentatious manner, it is better not to shave for a couple of days before the festival. Why? When you go for a shave after Holi, the colors will come off your face along with the beard.


How to Take Off Holi Colours From Face and Hair Naturally:

Oh! So you just forgot to do all of these!! No worries. Follow these steps now:

1. Apply curd and gram flour mask

In case the color does not leave the skin easily, apply a paste of curd and gram flour. Three spoons of curd and one spoon of gram flour will be fine. Leave it on your face for fifteen minutes and then remove it using cold water. The color from your face should come off without causing any further damage.

2. Mild Soap and Shampoo:

If you do not want to use any homemade remedy on your hair, try using a mild soap and herbal shampoo. Do not ever go for a strong chemical based soap or shampoo. The holi color can react with the strong chemicals present and can cause further damage.

3. Don’t Wash your Face a lot

Do not use face wash after every hour.  Seriously, because the color will not go away easily. Instead, try using a mild cleanser or toner.

4. Fenugreek Seeds Face Mask to remove colours

Fenugreek seeds (methi) work really well.  Soak them in water. One tablespoon should suffice. After two hours, mix them in curd and form a paste. Apply this paste on affected areas. Wash away with cold water once it dries. You will swear by the results.

5. Fuller’s Earth Face Pack to take off holi colours

How can I forget my teenage companion – Fuller’s Earth? So you do not have anything else except my best friend? Okay, three table spoon of multani mitti with six table spoon of water, mixed well will be good enough. Apply it on your face. I would recommend using this paste twice a week if your skin is very oily. I was always reminded of its existence by anxious relatives who wanted me to grow up into a perfect daughter in law

6. Apply Rose Water on face post holi:

Keep a bottle of Rose water handy if you are a beauty freak. You can clean your dirty pores, take off colors from your face, and mix it with multani mitti. Instead of water, add Rose Water to multani mitti and make a face pack. Wash it with cold water once it dries up. You can also apply this paste on blemishes and burns after playing holi.

7. Lemon to remove colours after holi

If you are too tired to step out anywhere to buy any of these products, then, use Lemon wedges and rub them on your skin. The juice from wedges will instantly attack the chemicals like mica and keep your skin clean and free of blemishes.

8. Aloe Vera Gel post Holi:

Three teaspoons of Lemon added to one tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel, when applied to any part of the body after holi will ward away all the impurities. You can use it on a regular basis, say, twice a week if your skin is oily or normal.

9. Masoor dal and turmeric paste

Soak Masoor dal, about three teaspoons, for an hour or so. Add flour- one tea spoon, Rose Water – three teaspoons and Turmeric powder- one pinch. Apply it on affected areas post holi. This can be applied on face as well. This works well on normal skin. People with oily skin should avoid it completely. You can keep it on your face or skin for about fifteen minutes or so. Wash with cold water for a great texture.

10. Remove colours from dry skin:

In case your skin is very dry, add raw milk to one table spoon of Soya bean flour. Add few drops of Rose water and apply on the affected area. Leave it for about thirty minutes and then clean your face. The colours after playing holi will wash off naturally.

11. Take a bath with cold water

Why I am talking about cold water? Only Cold water should be used for taking off Holi colors and chemicals. Warm water or hot water will instantaneously react with the elements causing irreversible damage. Quickest tip to remove holi colours.

12. Beer to remove colour from Hair:

You can always use Beer for getting rid of colors on your scalp and hair.

13. Avoid Beauty Rituals

Do not bleach, wax and perm. Do not go for facials. Avoid all the beauty related procedures for a week after holi.

14. Apply conditioner on hair before holi:

If you do not want to apply oil, then apply a leave on conditioner or gel or serum on your hair. For the rest of the body, use a sun screen lotion with a high SPF.

15. Grease your ear lobes:

Grease your ears and ear lobes really well. These areas are often neglected and colors tend to get deposited quickly. It becomes extremely difficult to remove the color from the aforementioned areas.

16. Take off colours from your lips after holi

How about lips? Apply a lip balm. You can also try to lubricate your lips with coconut oil. The key is effective lubrication so that the holi colors do not enter deep inside the skin.

17. Cover your body:

Apart from doing either of these please do not wear revealing clothes while playing holi. Try to cover your body completely so that the chemicals do not get in touch with your skin at all. In case you really want to cover your face, use a loose dupatta or bandana. Head should not be wrapped completely.

18. Don’t get drunk:

Avoid Whiskey. Beer is a better choice in case you want to really drool in alcohol. The more you are in senses; the less people will try to smear you with colors during holi.

19. Don’t binge it:

Try not to binge. With an upset stomach, you will not be able to struggle with the recently acquired shades.

20. Keep your nails chopped off. Big nails act as dirt vendors.

21. Rub your scalp with your fingertips. Use warm coconut oil on the fingertips.

22. Do not scrub:

Do not scrub. Or use pumice stone like a mason. The colors will, will persistent effort, will go away. Scrubbing will leave the pores open and open pores are an invitation to all the skin ailments.

23. If colours go in your mouth while playing holi:

Keep few bottles of lemonade or any lemon based drink handy. In case you feel drowsy or thirsty, this bottle will save you. Keep lemons handy as well. A lot of times, color gets into the mouth while playing holi. Just suck raw lemon and the chemicals will be neutralized.

Nothing is really difficult to achieve. If you are really conscious about your beauty and looks, then you have to put in a conscious effort as well. You need to get out of those comfort shoes and get on to the task of maintain the hygiene and cleanliness. I am planning to have a super fantastic Holi, and you? Do keep these post holi care tips in mind.

What are your favourite tips to remove holi colours? Share your reviews with us.