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Random Haul

I’m not able to take swatches of the products I’m dying to review. By the time I’m free, its already dusk and I absolutely hate clicking pictures in artificial light. In fact no blogger (beauty bloggers most importantly) should take pictures with flash. Khaer mujhe kya! (Who cares!)
So I digged  up my drafts and found this! A haul I made around a month ago which never made it here.

1. Green Tea – I’m soon going to post a DIY on green tea toners, and that’s exactly why I got it.
2. Be auty Formulas Nose Strips – These are my first blackhead nose strips. Review coming soon.
3. Lotus Anti-Tan Gel – got it from a blog sale.
4. Lotus 3 in 1 Mate Sunscreen- works as a nice TM too.

5. Fiama Di Will Shower Gel – I really like it. Got the loofah free with it and the duo has made a permanent spot in my bathroom!
6. Johnson’s Baby Oil – for makeup removal, when everything else failed.
7. Incolor Lip Liner – A nice everyday pink
8. VOV Metallic Eye Liner – worn in an eye look here.
8. Oriflame Eye Lash Curler
9. Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner – review coming soon

You can request for the reviews, in case.
Have a happy weekend!

11 thoughts on “Random Haul”

  1. Nice haul!
    Try fab india’s aloe vera face cream with spf30. I’m loving that these days and its been more then 6months and still it hasn’t finished! I use it only for my face. And bloody affordable. :)

  2. @crazy i was searching for a nice aloe vera gel cream..thanks would def check out

    @rentu i’m lazy too..dats how it made it here almost a month late :P

    @mimi personal picks..watch out for d review on these strips

    @fathima i ♥ making ppl jealous :P
    yes they r spooky n perfect for halloween na?

  3. Hey where did you get the incolor liner? did you order it online? I have been looking for their eye liner, its amazing. doesn’t budge from the waterline. pls let me know. :) thanks.


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