Review, Price, Buy Online Pears Pure & Gentle Soap with Glycerin and Natural Oils
By Contributor: Vaidehee
Hey you guys! So for some time now, I’ve had a few soaps stacked up to review, now unfortunately enough, I’m not one to love soaps , and I’m not too familiar for the review-pattern for these, so after going through the VNA archives, i’ve managed to muster up a series of bathing bar posts , and today, i’ll be reviewing the Pears Pure And Gentle Bathing Bar. Do i even need to introduce this though? It’s far too familiar with the transparent soap design. Comes in a lot of variants now but the orange one is classic.
Pears Claims: Awaken your tired senses by indulging in a relaxing bath with Pears Pure and Gentle Soap that makes your skin feel irresistibly soft and supple. Non-comedogenic: Being non-comedogenic in nature, this set of three soaps does not clog your pores and gives you healthy skin. Removal of Dirt and Impurities: Form a rich lather and scrub gently to remove dirt and impurities and enjoy the fresh feel. Prevents Dryness and Moisturization: Retaining your skin’s moisture and preventing skin cracks, this soap does not leave your skin in a dry state. Transparent Soap: This soap is non-colorant and transparent and is enriched with the goodness of glycerin and natural oils.

My Review:
Price : It retails at Rs. 36 , which is again, dirt-cheap and down-right affordable.
Packaging and the Pears Soap Bar : The soap comes in the regular old cardboard packaging that every drugstore kind comes in , neat and packed well enough . And the graphics , i love almost as much as dove’s colour scheme ! The bar itself is a clear golden-tinted glycerine, with the logo across it. For me, It’s the Deja-Vu factor that makes it so appealing.
Fragrance : The fragrance and scent of the pears soap is crisp, clean and that sharp “i just washed my body with fancy detergent ” esque. It’s not really as great as any of the nicer hand-made varieties, but then again, it’s also that much more affordable .
Texture and Foaming : The pears bathing bar isn’t really as buttery as any of the shea butter ones that i’ve used so far, and it doesn’t distort as much as the khadi ones when it’s summer, which is a little bit of a relief though . ( it’s far too messy!)
The soap foams up insanely quickly and it’s not really the true to pharmacy-formulation ,soap that you’d expect. It’s both a disappointment in terms of the ingredients , and a joy (i’ve mentioned my fascination with things that lather up quickly on here before right? The pseudo-satisfaction of being squeaky clean)

My take on the Pears Pure and Gentle Soap claims:
For a while on the market now, pears has been made out to be a “gentle”, “glycerin”, “pharmacy-brand” soap , suitable for people with sensitive skin, and younger age-groups. It’s supposed to be ‘Pure and Gentle, with Glycerin and Natural Oils’ . It isn’t as harsh as some of the other ones i’ve had to use in resorts, and it definitely does have Glycerin in the ingredients list , just like it claims, but there is an “SLS” mention. (Like i said, disappointment with the ingredients list)
And as fun as a see-through , bubbly soap is , it’s still just your average drugstore fancy detergent. It doesn’t do much for hydration, it doesn’t smell as lovely as it ought to, it isn’t even the best glycerin formulation out there. There are harsh drying chemicals in the ingredients list, and it’s definitely not something i’d trade in any of the other brands for.
What I like about Pears Pure and Gentle Soap:
However, on the plus side, it’s not one to dry your skin out a whole lot, and in the summers , the scent is just what anyone would need as a pick-me-up perk!

Price: Rs.36
VNA Rating: 3/5
Buy Online: thestore.in
Verdict? Well, you decide. Since VNA is a beauty blog, we all know we prefer body washes, and hand-made (and not so budget-friendly) varieties. But maybe this is something to switch to sometimes on a tired afternoon in the indian summer ? I know i didn’t mind the change from my TBS washes!
Have you used Pears Pure and Gentle Soap? Share your reviews with us.