I am sorry Mr.Shakespeare but I beg to differ. I think there is everything in a name. Or I wouldn’t have bought this MUA nail polish in the first place. Anybody would if they name a nail polish after Pistachio Ice Cream. Trust me that’s the only reason I went after it. And may be because of the pastel mint blue colour. But that’s it. Or may be it was the price. Umm..yes the price was definitely a factor too. But these are the only reasons. Okay whatever. Let’s start with the review.
MUA Nail Polish Pistachio Ice Cream
Coming to the formula, I don’t like it much. The first two coats look streaky and uneven. May be its the brush. But you gotta be really carefully or it will look messy like mine does! But it gets better with the 3rd coat. Just to show you the difference I’ve applied it quite smartly. Yeah! You see the evenness and opacity of the middle finger? That’s 3 coats. The rest are 2 coats. The difference is more visible personally.
That aside, it does stay for quite a while. I’ve worn it for 5 days with just minor chipping. So that makes up for the texture.
mua nail polish pistachio ice cream review
Yes it rained that day. Like every other day in Delhi right now. I swear…..I have never liked the weather this much before! Every morning I get up at 7 30 and see my whatsapp filled with “anybody going to college?” “not going” “not coming” “no colg”….I feel so happy and say chhuttiiiiii loudly, ask mom to cancel my tiffin (yes I’m 22 and still carry a tiny lunch box..so what?) and put on the sheets again and drift off to sleep. I love sleeping till l ate. This is for certain someone. You know who you are. Yes I sleep during the day and NOT apologetic. *makes a face*
mua nail polish pistachio ice cream photo
mua nail polish pistachio ice cream
mua nail polish pistachio ice cream swatch
Btw don’t you notice something here? The MUA nail polish bottle is awfully similar to the Essie nail polishes. So much that its almost plagiarised. But who cares when you can get the nail polish for as cheap as £1! But keeping in mind the deprecation of rupee, let’s not get much happy. What are all the Indian economists doing?!
Price: 1GBP at muastore.co.uk (but expensive in India)
VNA Rating: 3/5
So is it for you? MUA Nail Polish Pistachio Ice Cream is for every pastel and mint freak. Whether its your jeans or nails..u gotta collect and hoard every pastel blue out there. Its dirt cheap but you gotta compromise on the quality a little bit.
PS – Does any one know how to make that rupee symbol on your keyboard?