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Its Friday! My Weekend Detox Routine with Himalaya Herbals


How to Detox Your Skin at Home

When I was single and working, the only thing that I enjoyed was planning for my weekends. There was nothing quite glamorous about my nondescript bachelor existence, but I planned to eat, sleep, read and indulge in facials at the city’s best spas. Those times were simple and easy. One fine day, I got married, and embrace motherhood within a year. That was a complete 180 degree turn, and everything seemed contradictory. Hectic lifestyle, nonsensical eating, weird cravings and no personal space, left me totally amused and bewildered. My skin started looking patchy and rough, and soon enough I realized that I need to take charge of things before it is too late to accept the ugly truth!


Spas were a distant dream, facials were time consuming and gruesome job of getting ready to step out, just to look great, was not worthy of my considerations. I looked for some help, and with few tips and inputs from internet and friends, I decide to help myself. I was introduced to a term which sounded more like a fast food dish ’Detox’, which means to detoxify. Here, it meant that I needed to get rid of all the toxins from my body, which cause harm to my skin.


Being an avid reader of VNA I stumbled on a few posts which talked about skin detox, I realized that the best detoxification for my skin would with a scrub and face pack. I’ll tell you why:

  • My skin needed to stay clean and appear neat, thanks to a million open pores
  • Enhances the quality and texture of the skin, which was of utmost importance
  • Helps in warding off pimples, acne and scars, they have been my best friends since I hit adolescence
  • Scrubbing also removes facial hair from roots, and you know what that means for a woman epitomizing facial hair after avoiding threading for two months
  • It is known to even out skin tone, and hence eradicating dark patches.

Yes, my skin was yelling ’Scrub me’!


So, a day was fixed-Friday, and just like the way potential grooms hop around with their parents in search of their soul mates, I hopped all over VNA and went through all the reviews and skin care posts and finally zeroed on two products. As it turned out, I decided a weekend detox with Himalaya Herbals products . I decided to give the Himalaya Walnut Scrub and Himalaya Neem Face Pack.

Skin Exfoliation with Himalaya Herbals Walnut Scrub

Let us begin the party, with Himalaya Walnut Scrub first. This product contains Apple, Wheatgerm oil and Wallnut Shell granules. Priced at Rs. 130.00 for a 100g tube, this looked affordable and decent. After cleaning my face with a mild face wash, I applied little amount of scrub on my tips, applied it on my face and neck, and started massaging it on my face and neck in a circular motion. Using the tips of fingers, I started spreading and gently massaging my skin for five minutes.  Sprinkled few drops of water on the surface, and massaged with focusing on the chin under eye area, forehead and the nape.


This scrub from Himalaya Herbals is really a good product. I did feel clean and neat. Blackheads were absent and I could feel fresh faced. Another superb feature – My skin did not feel dry or itchy one bit. It is always advisable to apply a face pack after a good beauty detox. Why?

  • It neutralizes the itchiness and rashes
  • It serves as a calming  factor
  • It, kind of, packs and covers the skin, all ready.
  • It also restores the damage or the loss of good ingredients present on the surface of the skin. In a nutshell, it completes the scrubbing process.

Cosmetic detox, when coupled with intrinsic detox, is a sure shot formula to retain the glow and vitality. Before applying the face pack, I also pondered upon various ways of skin detoxification other than the one I just mentioned. Here are few tips, which will be handy.

Tips for a Good Skin Detox:

  • Keep one day in a week reserved for eating fruits, smoothies etc. No junk food, no aerated drinks, no alcohol, no smoking and no fried food either.
  • Do not miss any massage opportunity.
  • Drink loads of water. It will kill the harmful bacteria, and will flush out toxins.
  • Start your day with green tea, instead of coffee.
  • Develop a routine when you exercise a lot for at least, say twenty minutes. This will push the flow of blood, and will increase the circulation of Oxygen.
  • The less touched, processed a food item is, the better it is for you as it will be full of natural nutrients.
  • Introduce variety in your menu; say try consuming bajra and chana. Try not to eat two consecutive meals with breads like parantha and chapatti.
  • Sleep more at night.
  • Try to rush to office minus peak hours. Try stepping out little early, as this will reduce the exposure to pollution.
  • Can you cut out on sugar? If yes, then please do so. I drink Jaggery (gud) tea!
  • Avoid illness instead of looking for cures. Papaya, Oranges, Tomatoes and Black Pepper are super foods. Incorporate them.
  • Enter into a deal, spare one day in a week when you will not do any of the routine jobs. This will break the monotony, and reduce the frustration. For me, Sunday is a NO COOKING AT ALL day.


Keeping pimples at bay with Himalaya Herbals Neem Face Pack:

Now that I have listed all that I am doing for internal detox, I will now talk about Himalaya Himalaya Neem Face Pack, which available for Rs. 60.00 in the market. For a 50g tube, the price is even. Himalaya Neem Face Pack contains Neem, Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti) and Turmeric. It is recommended for people with oily skin. It looks like henna, and is dark green in color and smells like neem. Squeeze little from the tube, apply it all over the face and neck, leave it for twenty minutes, and wash with water.


  • I felt really clean and nice after washing the face pack off my face
  • It can be used as a scrubbing cream as well, as the scrubbing granules are present inside the pack
  • Felt mild reduction in the break out of acne. I am thirty years old, and still face issues with acne, so this is a must have product.
  • Though I did feel little itchy, I felt completely comfortable with the usage and the itchiness disappeared quickly.
  • The layer dries soon, and will not leave a sticky feeling. Neither shall you feel oily.


As both the products are herbal you can use them together, or just one at a time, every alternate day. After being complimented, I am on a recommendation spree! I feel clean, energetic and young. Though pangs of marriage and motherhood will not spare me the stress, I can always find solace in my weekend Detox regime. Go for the tips, and try the products, they are herbal and are free of side effects. Beauty was never that easy and affordable!


4 thoughts on “Its Friday! My Weekend Detox Routine with Himalaya Herbals”

  1. IT is a great product to travel with, less fuss and great results, the exfoliation and squeaky feel post this product is really amazing! cheers,great post


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