How to Use Rosemary Essential Oil for Hair Growth and Dandruff?
When hair care is concerned, what are the additional add-ons that benefit our mane? Herbs? Naah, that’s done to death. Leaves? Again, conventional. Essential oils? Now, that’s unheard of. So, let’s uncover some good uses of an essential oil that is not only renowned for its ability to stimulate your hair growth but also transport you to a different hair planet altogether. It’s none other than Rosemary essential oil. So, let’s jot down the top benefits of rosemary oil for hair issues like hair growth, hair fall, hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp, etc. This natural herb has a solution and remedy to every problem for both men and women. I will also list down a few side effects if you use it without caution. But for now lets look at some of its various health benefits.
Ever eaten Chholey Bhaturey ? I can’t help it. Sometimes, the true-blue Foodie in me awakens and being a Delhiite some examples like the one given above find an outlet this way! So, coming back to it, how would you rate the experience of savouring, slurping, chewing, crushing the delicate but piping hot bhaturey with sprigs of spinach and shreds of cheese inside (okay, I won’t describe it anywhere. Foodgasm after all is very much existent) with a glass of chilled Lassi by your side or one without it high? I, for sure, would rate the former high and I am pretty sure most would (exceptions do exist).
But what’s the point of this question? The point is that sometimes, in fact most of the times, the joy and the sheer enjoyment of anything increases by leaps and bounds if there is something additional to it. Something that raises the richness or goodness of what we were already having. Something that makes us realize that NOW the experience is wholesome, in fact perfect. And that my friend, is a conclusion that we can apply to our hair care regimen also. But why? Simple because sometimes, a little experimentation may just land us what we never conceived of (in a positive way, of course). Lets look at the natural herb which is loaded with health benefits.
Top 5 Benefits Of Rosemary Oil For Hair:
Left gnashing your teeth in fury, frustration and desperation on seeing your scalp bear those hideous white flakes which reek of poor maintenance? Tired, in fact suspicious of every other shampoo/conditioner/serum recommended by that pal or relative of yours with drop-dead gorgeous hair that didn’t throw any noteworthy results? Fetch a bottle of rosemary essential oil the next time you go shopping. Why? Because the disinfecting and detoxifying properties of rosemary essential oil along with its revitalizing abilities, tackle such hair woes with care.
With dedicated use of rosemary overtime, our hair gets the required nourishment. Apart from treating hair loss and a receding hair line, it hydrates the scalp effectively while removing the flakes equally well. Of course, the key is patience. Nothing shows results within one or two uses. Please realize that if something has fallen to the point where it is manifesting itself in an accentuating manner, then you need to put in a good amount of time, patience and ingredients that it is lacking in to revivify it.
With seemingly no such prominent hair woe like hair growth issues or dandruff, but lack of lustre being the only chink in your armour as far as hair is concerned, this essential oil can be your knight in shining armour. How?
A hot oil massage with the carrier oil of one’s choice (mine would be KLF Nirmal Virgin Coconut Oil) with 7-8 drops of rosemary essential oil in it is unparalleled. The hydration, relaxation and deep nourishment is offers cannot be expressed it words. Psst… It smells heavenly too! Leave the oil overnight if the weather at your place allows you to.
Delhi magically turns into an oven at night so, I usually avoid such larks else I’ll wake up with a blend of sweat, oil, dirt and what not pouring down my locks. In case you have already imagined me in that state and puckered at the very thought of it, congrats! You have an ingenious mind, Anyway, coming back to the topic, in case you have dry and lusterless tresses, add a few drops of Rosemary oil to your carrier oil and revel in the bounties of a hot oil massage.
A lot of people often have grave misconceptions about this hair loss point. Please do not imagine your mane grow as exponentially as Pinocchio’s nose the moment you apply this oil or any oil for that matter. No oil can help to boost the cell growth overnight.
The point I am trying to drive home is that if there is any other problem besides genetics, then there external measures can assist. Certain oils either individually or in combination with other oils work to promote the hair growth and stimulate your hair’s follicles and manage to kick-start the process of hair growth but again, these changes do not transpire overnight. Be patient. Very patient. And yes, consistent.
Coming to rosemary oil, it is one of those oils which is famed for its ability to kick-start that hair growth process. How? Rosemary works because of the fact that it increases circulation of blood in the scalp. Blend it with a carrier oil preferably warm (I will suggest EVOO- Extra virgin olive oil or Virgin sesame oil) and massage your scalp with your fingertips. Continue with this ritual twice a week for two months to treat the hair loss.
Rosemary has anti-fungal properties making it a favourite ingredient in hair and scalp treatments. Dandruff is a form of yeast, so it makes sense to treat it with anti-fungal ingredients. Rosmarinic acid has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which makes it a logical choice to calm the scalp and keep it squeaky clean. Dandruff woes? Ummm…a thing of the past now, right?
Rosemary essential oil tends to leave behind a gift for you that you’d be pleasantly surprised by and that is…a subtle but very fragrant and soothing aroma that stays for a few hours post hair wash. Now let me clear the air. It doesn’t transform the area around you into one smelling like a blooming rose garden but its own subtle aroma that stays for a few hours is way better than that of an artificially- perfumed fragrance.
You feel fresh as a result of it and that too without pumping any chemical-laden conditioner/serum after hair wash. The aroma is natural!
A WORD OF CAUTION while using Rosemary Oil:
Never ever use rosemary essential oil or any essential oil for that matter on any part of your part squarely. Also, essential oils are not meant for internal intake. Never do that. ALWAYS dilute an essential oil in a base or carrier oil else chances of you scalding your hair are as high as that of you breathing while reading this!
Even when you are using rosemary essential oil, dilute it in any shampoo or conditioner or carrier oil of your choice while using. That is how it is used unlike conventional oils that we impetuously slather on our hair or skin (eg- Olive, almond, coconut, sesame, mustard, etc.) Essential oils are highly concentrated. Applying them on oneself without dilution is same as playing with fire.
Pregnant women or those with epilepsy or high blood pressure should avoid using rosemary essential oil at all costs. In case of any doubt, consult a certified trichologist or aromatherapist not hearsay. These conditions aside, rosemary oil is generally considered non-sensitizing and non-toxic.
So, the next time you are on a shopping spree, grab a bottle of this magic hair potion to boost hair growth. Show your hair some love. It will love you back.
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