Fastest Top 6 Belly Fat Reduction Exercises, Tips, Healthy Foods: How to Lose Belly Fat
By Contributor: Shreya
Being Over Weight does not necessarily mean that you are unhealthy. What matters more is that whether your body weight comprises more of Fat Percentage or Muscle Percentage. Talking about fat percentage, it is actually a bigger problem if you have fat majorly around your belly area than on your hips and thighs. Fat stores in Belly or abdominal area is called Visceral Fat and is the most stubborn fat to lose in entire body. Thus, I will be discussing both the best belly fat reduction excercises and Workout Routines along with tips and dietary modifications, as following only either one at a time will not give the best results.

Dietary Modifications: Top 3 Healthy Foods to Eat to Lose Belly Fat
1. Say No To SUGAR to Lose Weight
Reducing sugar consumption is one of the easiest and fastest ways to lose some inches on the belly. We tend to monitor our carbs, protein and fat intake but almost forget that sugar is also one of the most fattening components in our diet.
All those cups of Teas, Coffee, Green Teas we take in our daily life (thinking what harm can tea/green tea can do) majorly contribute to our daily sugar intake. Besides this, the sugary drinks we take such as colas, juices, tangs, ice tea and the much loved desserts, chocolates, candies etc. are also the ones to blame and should either be stopped immediately or restricted to once a month. Table Sugar can be replaced either with Honey or Stevia (sugar free tablets)
2. High PROTEIN and Low CARB Diet
The most important macronutrient when talking about losing weight is Protein. Eating more protein and less carbs is the best long-term strategy to lose belly fat. Carbohydrates are one of the most energy dense foods, and cutting them from your diet & replacing them majorly with protein is what will do the trick for you. (I am not saying to eliminate carbs from your diet completely, but cutting their quantities to a good extent, to get magical results). Eating protein will not make you lose weight technically, but will help you gain health by gaining muscles.
A low-carb diet gives you 2-3 times faster result than a low-fat diet as by cutting carbs, your appetite goes down, helping you lose weight faster. A Low carb diet also helps in reducing water retention from body , eventually making the body lose that water weight instantly.
Furthermore, adding natural fiber with more protein and less carbs will help you a great deal as fiber will add the bulk to your diet without adding calories to it. Fiber will give you a feeling of satiety with no calories at all, making you feel fuller, even with low carb diet..
Adding more of raw fruits and veges to your diet will give you the desired natural fibre and crunch, also helping you lose weight. Wondering now which foods have protein and can be taken during weight loss?
Vegetarian Protein– Milk, Soya Milk, Soya Bean, Paneer, Tofu Paneer, Pulses (more in saabut daals), Curd, Sprouts, Quinoa, Low Fat cheese
Non- Vegetarian Protein– Fish, Chicken, Egg (only egg whites).
3. GARLIC for Belly Fat Reduction
Garlic has a natural Anti- Obesity property and eating raw garlic not only helps you get rid of belly fat, but also helps you in reducing your blood pressure and Triglycerides levels, and increasing good cholesterol levels.
To get effective inch loss on your belly area, eat 2-3 cloves of raw garlic, with lemon water, empty stomach, first thing in the morning. Keep a note of your before-after measurements and see the difference in a month’s time
Exercise Routines: Top 3 Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

This exercise will not just target your belly area but the entire abdominal muscles, making your core stronger.
Lie down on your back with knees bent to 90 degrees position and hands behind your head. (Do not put strain on your neck while doing this position). Make sure that your abs are contracted at this time. Keeping your knees in line with your buttocks, lift your shoulders and crunch up, inhaling and holding for 5-6 seconds. Then, exhale and stretch your legs to 45 degrees position, again holding for 5-6 seconds and squeezing your lower belly, all at the same time.
Do this exercise at least 5 days a week, 4 sets of 20 each. Beginners can start with 2 sets of 20 each, so as not to overdo.

This one is actually my favorite exercise for abs. As simple as it seems from the image, the effectiveness of this exercise can only be felt once you start doing it.
Lie down on your stomach and stretch your arms parallel over your head. At the same time, point & stretch your toes, and lift your legs and arms about 6 inches above the ground (imagine trying to dive and float in the air). Hold for the maximum time you can (at least 5-6 seconds), stretching both your arms and legs to the maximum extent, literally as if someone is pulling you away from your hips.
Then, making a circle out of your hands, bring them out from the sides to your back. Breathe out and stretch your arms towards your toes, your palm facing inwards to your thighs (as shown in the image). Hold for maximum time you can (again, at least 5-6 seconds), then bring back your arms to the initial position, relaxing your body completely.
For effective results do this exercise for at least 10 times, holding for as much time as possible, for 5 days a week.

This is a two in one exercise, as it will not only target your belly but also tone your arms at the same time.
Lie on your back, bending your knees towards your face. Hold a 1-1.5 kg dumb bell with both your hands. Now, extend your right leg outwards in a 45 degree angle, keeping your left knee bent in the initial position. Then, lifting your head and shoulders from the ground, move the dumbbell outside of your left knee, pressing into a crunch and twisting your upper body (as shown in the image).
Pull your right leg inwards to meet your left leg, bringing both your arms in the center, stretching upwards towards the ceiling. Both your head and shoulders remain elevated off the ground all this time. Now, extend your left leg to 45 degree angle, keeping your right knee bent and moving the dumb bell outside from your right knee while twisting your torso at the same time.
This entire procedure will be 1 count. Do at least 4 sets of 20 each for a minimum of 5 days in a week for toned arms and belly.
This pretty much sums up the fastest and easiest ways to lose your belly fat both in terms of diet and exercise. It is entirely up to you now as to how much result you get at the earliest as your body will speak for your dedication. Instead of following these steps just to reduce belly fat, adapt these steps as a lifestyle and see the beautiful changes for your body and yourself.
About the author: To Eat is a Necessity, But to Eat Intelligently is an ART. Join this Art and be the best version of YOU. Experience the healthy way of indulging in food with Nutritionist and Dietitian Shreya Katyal at Diet Manta- Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy, based in Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. She can be contacted for Personal Diet Counselling for Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Pregnancy & Lactating and Therapeutic Diet Plans. Online Diet Counselling is also available. Check her on facebook HERE
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