Skagen Watches for Girls – Mint and Rose Gold
Its no secret that I’m very generous (serious face). Sach mei! You don’t believe me? I will show you today. Not one but two proofs of my big heart. Here is how:
1. You pick a watch for me (when a girls asks your opinion AND actually uses it – then you are special)
2. When a girl gives away something for free what she secretly wants to keep.
Fair enough?

The Skagen team asked me to choose two watches from their latest spring collection and sent them over. One for me to keep as a gift and another for one totally vain and not apologetic girl aka you girls! Naturally I picked the best two. And now I’m royally confused. I should never have picked one for you girls myself. The more options a girl gets..the more it confuses her already stuffed brain.

I love them both so much. You know I wanted a big dial rose gold watch for myself after watching all those pinterest boards filled with arm candy stuff. I hear Rose Gold. Period.
Whereas mint is mint and nothing can come close to it. And I can live in mints and pastels all summer. So much that I kept my blog theme to mint last year. Plus the leather straps are more my style.

I’m not touching the watches until I decide. So the faster it is the better! Its taking a lot of my will power these days.

So girls help me out here. Tell me which one should I keep for myself and which one would you like to keep? You can comment below and let me more. Or if you are one of those girls who don’t tell even the colour of your lehenga or saree to even your friends before the big day then mail me secretly. And yes you can get selfish. Choose the best for yourself and I will ask Sailor (ahem!) to gift me the other.

Its not a giveaway post. I will announce the giveaway officially in a couple of days after you have decided. Now think!
Just so you know..my family is rooting for rose gold. You?