I know! 4 years! Still feels unbelievable that an impulsive decision on a cold winter night turned this big. Now VNA has become such a big part of my life that I don’t know what I would have done without it. And all of it is because of you guys. YOU read us. YOU make us. What is a blog without its readers! Even if you are a silent reader, this success is because of you. Although I would really really love the shy ones to come out and interact with me once in a while (you have our facebook, twitter and instagram always) The other buhe part I owe to my team. I have said it again and again that we make the best team..from contributors to PRs..you make Team VNA and thank you for being a part of it. VNA is as much yours as its mine. You guys make it, I just work here!
This year VNA crossed so many milestones. From winning the best Indian beauty and makeup blog in February to being nominated for Elle Beauty Blogger 2014, from getting featured in the national newspapers and magazines to being listed under the best international blogs, we loved every moment. This year we crossed 6 million pageviews! 6 million! 3years ago Sailor casually asked me “so this blog thing you do, how many people have actually read it?” and I said “60 grand..60” and now its millions!
I promise this year will see even more greater heights and you will get to read even more of us. We get so many queries over mails that it gets almost impossible to get back to each of them, so please make use of our social media channels (see boxes on the right) so you can stay connected 24*7.
And now I have an announcement to make. Although if you are following us on our instagram and facebook then you would know already. VNA has got a new baby blog called Petite Peeve ! It was ooh so difficult to stay silent about it everytime I wrote here but I wanted to give you guys the best experience possible. I was busy experimenting with the blog design but now its almost done. So go go check it out right now. It would be about everything apart from makeup and beauty, like fashion, street style, events I attend, best of places I eat out, travel, holidays..basically all about my life when I am away from VNA. Travel is going to be a big part of it since I already have a vacation planned next month (hint: beach outfits!) And if you are curious about the name then do read the pilot post.

And if you have been thinking “wait a minute when did all this happen” then we feel you! Its one of the new stupid policies of facebook. Apparently only 1% of fans get post updates from brand pages. So if you don’t want to miss out then just click on Get Notifications after hovering on the like button on both of our pages: Vanity No Apologies and Petite Peeve. Apart from that you can subscribe to our email updates to be the first ones to know whenever we post.
Thank you every one!!