Review, Price, Buy Online Fair and Lovely Advanced Multi Vitamin Daily Fairness Expert Face Wash
By Contributors: Vaidehee
Hey you guys! Now that winter is receding and my skin is no longer arid dry, I’ve started playing around with a few new products to see how they fare for me, and one of them was the Fair And Lovely Advanced Multi-Vitamin Facewash, which i’ll be reviewing today. First off, it’s worth knowing that i have a bit of a negative bias towards the brand Fair & Lovely because of the constant pushing of the “Fair is Lovely” phenomenon, but the facewash , i ended up not hating.
Fair & Lovely Claims: This rich lathering foam along with Tri-Fair vitamin complex and anti-oxidants lifts away impurities and works gently to help provide:
• Instant fairer look.
• Clearer skin.
• Soft smooth feel.

My Review:
Price: Fair and Lovely products are priced dirt cheap usually, and this is no exception. This little gujju was so happy to see that the MRP was as little as Rs. 50 for 50 grams of the product.
Packaging: The packaging of fair and lovely multi vitamin is nothing too fancy, just the same old graphics and white and pink colour palette, with a convenient flip open cap over a neat nozzle. It’s definitely secure enough to be travel friendly, but to be honest it’s not very tempting to use because of my bias towards the message the brand propagates.
Fragrance: The scent, i’m not too fond of. It’s the same old classic fair and lovely fragrance, and a little too sweet for my liking. So if you have a sensitive sniffer or don’t really love the idea of harsh perfume products in your face wash, this is going to be a huge disappointment.
Consistency and Texture : You know that dense whipped texture and consistency of the fair and lovely cream? The multi vitamin face wash is the same consistency , but in a gel base. The plus side is my old favorite with face washes, it foams up really easily and leaves you squeaky clean! (Ah! nothing like the lovely satisfaction of harsh detergents stripping your skin of oil and moisture)

My take on the ingredient list and claims of Fair & Lovely Advanced Multi Vitamin Fairness Face Wash:
If you’ve read some of my product reviews on here on VNA , you’d know i’m always very negative and harsh about product claims, because they’re almost always outrageous. The product ofcourse i think of as fantastic, but i refuse to believe it’s made of pixie dust , unicorn hair and little fairy wings were plucked and used as exfoliates.
The fairness face wash is supposed to give you Instantly fairer skin, Soft and smoother skin and brighter and clearer skin. And surprisingly enough, it stands to all of the claims. (These are the general claims that any face wash, however, will meet)
Cleaning your skin and clearing out sebum that propoinibacterium acnes fuels itself off will on a surface level give you clearer skin, and immediately after washing your face with the product, there is a temporary (emphasis on the temporary) visible difference with your skin, it’s brighter, cleaner and more radiant. So , oddly enough, it fulfills all of the claims (*conditions applied?)
The ingredients list is not impressive though – EDTA and perfume do not sound too appealing. But then again, this is all pretty standard with just about every drugstore face wash.
How did Fair & Lovely Advanced Multi Vitamin Fairness Face Wash work for me?
I love the impeccable timing i had with trying this product by chance ! I have mentioned that my skin is bipolar and during winters it’s terribly scaly and dry and i run out of cetaphil by the week , and through the summer it’s very very oily and i hit pan on atleast one of my powders . Now that my skin is getting oily again, i found this multi vitamin expert cleanser to be a bit of a god send because it cleared up the excess oil off my face , and although normally this would be a negative thing, but it left my face insanely matte and stripped of oil. There was also noticeable radiance and glow to my skin temporarily after i used it, and my skin did not feel gritty like it does with some of the other oil-clearing face washes I’ve tried. All in all? Not too shabby !

Price: Rs.50
VNA Rating: 3.5/5
Buy Online: thestore.in
Verdict? Again, as much as i would have loved to bash on the brand and discredit the fairness face wash , it’s a pretty standard drugstore face wash that does what it claims. I might just end up using it through the summer every once in a while. If you have dry skin, this is pretty much the anti-christ! But if you have really oily skin, this is worth trying, especially given what it delivers for the price tag!
Have you used Fair & Lovely Advanced Multi Vitamin Fairness Face Wash? Share your reviews with us.
NO I have not used. But frankly speaking I don’t believe so much on Fair and lovely products.
I used it once, find it okay. Nothing extra ordinary.
I have been using it for a while, have emptied 2 tubes, kinda satisfied with what results I am getting.
Wow.. they have come with a face wash too.. seems great
seems good. I have never used any fair n lovey product.
I am not too fond of this brand :/ but its nice to know that they are coming out with other products
me niether ! i went on with a rant about my prejudice over FnL .
but at the end of a day, it’s just as good as any other drugstore brand face wash, so there ought to be an objective review. :)
i have oily skin so i guess i should give it a try.. so affordable na..
i guess, it would work for my combination skin quite well.