Faces Cosmetics Matte Nail Enamel Fire Stick: NOTD
I love matte nail enamels. Period. For ages we beauty bloggers prayed to Lakme and Maybelline to bring some to India. But no they were just too busy with their Royal Collections and Colossal Kajals. But there is a beauty brand who did hear our silent prayers and not only launched these great matte nail polishes in India but also came out with these super bright neon shades. (Ofcourse I’m going to ignore the Avon Matte Nail enamels – the quality and shade choices were a disappointment. Let me know if you would like a detailed review on them). So when you give a matte polish in a neon orange shade..that makes Anshita clap her hands! I’m talking about Fire Stick – which I will review and swatch today.

All day I was working on some technical issues on blog. Between all those css codes and plugins..Fire Stick brightened up my day. Its a neon orange shade with slight red tones. I like that it doesn’t have much yellow in it which doesn’t suit my tan hands. Yes since its neon it does have a tendency to make your hands a little dark but no way dull. If you are looking for neon tangy orange polishes in India then this is a good option. I find the shade similar to Avon Speed Dry Orange You Quick but a tad brighter.

When it comes to matte claims..they are quite true. Although its not super oh-my-gosh-matte but a subtle matte like the Nyx Matte Nail Enamels which I love. The matte texture stays for 2-3 days after which I can see some shine. Its a common problem across all matte polishes..the shine creeps in a few days. The consistency is sheer to medium and takes about 2-3 coats to go opaque. The drying time is good since it takes less than a minute to dry up but I still let it dry my nail paints for 5 more minutes to avoid any imprints and textures on them.

As for the wear time, it stays for 3 days without chipping after which I see some minor chipping around the edges. You cannot use a top coat with this one since it would make it glossy which in turn would defeat the whole purpose. I took this photo on the 4th day to show you how it looks. You can spot some shine too.

I’m eyeing 2 more shades from this range – Bubblepop (which is a bright pink shade) and Phoebe Blue (which is an aqua blue shade). They should have named it Phoebe Blue-ffay!

Price: Rs.230
VNA Rating: 4/5
So is it for you? Faces Matte Nail Enamel Fire Stick is for you is you love neon oranges. It has slight red tones instead of yellow which makes it a lot more wearable for Indian skin tones. The texture is matte and stays put for 3-4 days after which there is some minor chipping on the edges. You should get atleast one of the shades available.
PS – Do you notice that red heart on my palm? That is jolly. If you don’t know what a jolly is then just give yourself a tight slap from my side. A jolly is not just a mark but a sacred bond that unites us..its god’s way of telling us we are all same. It’s not just ink but a brotherhood that mak——alright so it reminds me of my school days when I didn’t used to bath just to keep the mark stay the same. The fate of the one who doesn’t show up with a jolly on the next day is left to the others to decide. There was a boy in my class who forgot to ink his jolly….and nobody saw him ever again..