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Dove Nourishing Oil Care Repair Mask Review

Dove Nourishing Oil Care Repair Mask Review
There are some tracks which I simply love to hate. I call them my chameli songs. One of them is…shall I write the lyrics? Okay I can’t help myself!
“adiyal jawani mori sukhi sukhi jaye re,

sayya anadi mohe paani na pilaye re,
jeth mahina hai garmi badhaye re,
kaisi nazariya ke dil chala jay re kuan ma doob jaoo….”
The thing about these kind of songs is that they are so cheap and chamakchalo but you still enjoy them!
Okay enough of champa chameli, let’s come back to today’s hair care post.

dove nourishing oil care repair mask

It claims: Your hair turns rough and dull on the surface when it is damaged from the inside. To restore your hair’s softness and shine, Dove Nourishing Oil Care Repair Mask gives advanced care and repair that your hair needs. Its revolutionary Vita-Oils nourish your hair from deep inside and effectively repair damage for 99% smoother hair.

Price: Rs.300 ($6) for 200ml


dove hair conditioner review

Okay first of all, I was a hair mask virgin. Since I’ve never chemically treated my hair, I never had much issues with split ends and dry frizzy hair. My hair care routine includes regular shampooing and conditioning and it ends here. I use it on Sundays and leaves my hair soft and smooth to touch. It says you are supposed to use it with the shampoo and conditioner but I don’t see the point. If I’m using a deep conditioning mask, why would I use one more conditioner with it? I tried using it like that but it was too much. So on days when I use the mask, I can skip the conditioner.

But the thing is I don’t see anything magical. I don’t know what they mean by “99% smooth hair” but it does what any normal conditioner would do too. I admit it feels nice psychologically that you are indulging in some hair treatment on weekends and the buttery texture makes you feel pampered and loved but it ends here. To cut the long story short, I like using it but its nothing different. You can achieve the same results with your HG conditioner.

hair mask conditioner therapy soft hair

So is it for you? Yes if you have dry frizzy hair and need something that would make them soft and smooth. But that can be achieved with any normal conditioner. Go buy it if you like the packaging and the buttery texture!

PS- It broke my dovephobia because somehow Dove never used to work for me!

Disclaimer- Product set by the brand.

20 thoughts on “Dove Nourishing Oil Care Repair Mask Review”

  1. nice review… thanks for sharing experiences :)i think its not for me as i already have quite silky hair texture…

  2. LOL now m not able to keep this song out of my head,,thanks :p

    nice review btw ,,

    well,,should I write another masterpiece lyrics here for you :D he he,,,,,,,

    just kiddin :)
    nice blog dear :) one of my favs :D

  3. I used to like Dove’s earlier variant of hair masque-Intensive hair repairs ones in dark blue tubs. That used to work fabulously on my hair, alas the newer variants don’t have the same zing!

  4. I love these masks…I have tried an older version, was white in colour, loved it. For a long time, I was using instead of a regular conditioner :D

  5. hey Ansh…you know what!!! even I tried the first time using this mask alone but I found that it works well when you apply the conditioner for a minute afterwards!!! donno why otherwise it left my hair frizzy!!!
    And, I thought Dove works for almost everyone!!


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