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Do You Need Both Bronzer and Blush?

blush bronzer
 Question: Do you need both bronzer and blush?
Honestly not every can pull of bronzers. And if done wrong, it can land you in very embarrassing situations. Fair skin girls can look muddy and dirty if the bronzer is not applied properly. So if you are not well versed with the bronzer application, then I suggest you don’t wear it.
On the other hand, blush is used to provide a bit of colour to your cheeks. When used right, it can add a rosy glow but too much and you might look sun burned.
Yes you use both of them together but keep in mind the following points.  1.  If you are using a shimmery blush then stick to a matte bronzer.
2. Use a large, fluffy brush to build color across your forehead, cheekbones, nose and chin. But use a blush brush to apply blush on the apple of the cheeks
For porcelain to fair skin: Avoid using a bronzer to be honest! It can look fake and dirty on you. Blushes are your best bet.
For medium to olive skin: You are lucky girl! You can use both the bronzer and blush. Use a matte bronzer and blush. For the blush, go for colours like apricot, peach, dirty pink.
Which one should you put on first?
Either. But if you are using a cream or liquid blush then apply the blush first with your fingers and then the bronzer.
Examples of both blush and bronzer done right:
right bronzer
Examples of bronzer application gone horribly wrong!
bronzer horrible
Do you use bronzer? or both?