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Do It Yourself: Green Tea Toner (Step by Step Picture Tutorial)

So you skip your toner most of the times because all it adds is an extra step in your skin care routine? Toners are most of the times underestimated. May be because you never found a quality toner which suits your skin. I’m going through a ‘love your skin‘ phase since my skin is behaving pretty well these days. And I would like to believe that one of the reasons behind it is this toner. It’s a 5min process and hardly uses any difficult-to-find ingredients.

All you need is:

  • a green tea bag or 1-2 tbsp green tea leaves
  • tea tree oil. (I’m using the Oriflame organic tea tree oil)
  • a Vitamin E capsule or a tsp of Vitamin E oil
  • honey
  • lemon
  • a spritzer
  • a cup of hot water

Step 1: Take a cup of boiling hot water and immerse a green tea bag in it. You can also use 2tbsp of loose green tea leaves .
Step 2: Cover the bowl/cup with a lid for 5mins.
Step 3: Now take out the tea bag. If you used loose green tea leaves, drain out the water in a bowl.
Step 4: Pour out a Vitamin E capsule in the bowl. You could also use a tsp of vitamin E oil.
Step 5: Mix 1/2 tsp of honey in the bowl.
Step 6: Now add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil in it.
Step 7: Add 4-5 drops of lemon. I’ve sensitive skin so I’m keeping the quantity low. You can go on to squeeze half as per your requirement
Step 8: Now pour the contents in a sprinter and refrigerate it.

And now you have your own home-made Green Tea toner ready. You can use it for at-most 2 weeks.

Now cut open the tea tree bag and use the leaves to scrub your face!

The best part is you can customize it as per your needs. Like I’m using honey since it’s winters here. You ca increase its quantity if you have dry skin.
You can add essential oils to it as per your requirements. And the Oriflame tea tree oil I’ve used here is magical, I know a lot of you requested for the review..it’s almost ready now. You can use any tea tree oil, TBS has an organic tea tree oil too but I’ve not heard good things about it..so you better stay away. Also, since it’s very strong you only need a few drops of it.

Go into your lab (or kitchen!)  and have fun making your own Green Tea Toner. I’ve covered almost everything, if you still have any queries..ask!

PS- Don’t miss my Halloween nails!