MISSHA Hits India!! Anshita Juneja ‐ 02/23/201603/12/2013 8 Comments After a very exhausting and boring day at college, I came home and checked my mails and had a major "wiiiiiiii....!!" moment. My favourite-est Korean…Read more
MISSHA M Perfect Cover BB Cream Review, Swatches Anshita Juneja ‐ 02/24/201603/10/2012 28 Comments MISSHA M Perfect Cover BB Cream Review, SwatchesEvery holi I would spend hours in the bathroom using scrubs, face masks, ubtans and what not to…Read more
November Favourites ~ Makeup and Skin Care Anshita Juneja ‐ 02/23/201612/16/2011 28 Comments November Favourite ~ Makeup and Skin Care Somehow I never end up doing what I originally plan to do. Some of my life's most important…Read more