Top 5: Best Flower Face Masks and Face Packs to get Glowing and Fair Skin at home
Flowers are a sight to behold. Vast moors with blooming flowers of varying colours and sizes are a treat for sore eyes, in particular if they are city-bred eyes. Being Indians who have a rich legacy of incorporating natural ingredients into our skin care regimen, wouldn’t it be a disservice to flowers, the winsome creations of Mother Nature if we don’t concoct DIY flower face pack recipes with them to pamper our priceless possession aka our facial skin? Right from marigold to rose, lotus to lily, jasmine to hibiscus, every flower represents some amazing benefits to provide that fair glowing skin or rather a bright healthy skin. Thats right we are going to list down the best ever flower face packs along with the benefits of these face masks from flowers.
So, that goes without saying that it’s time to donne that hat of the DIY experts that we are (again, our modesty takes a backseat) and whip some absolutely amazing flower face packs and face masks’ to let our skin thank us. Most of these floral masks work for oily and dry skin both and provide numerous skin healing benefits like glowing skin, fair skin, anti ageing, clear pimple free skin, etc. at home easily.
Each flower epitomizes a felling…an emotion… and manages to strike a chord. Roses, for instance, stand for romance. I’d bet my money that there’d be hardly any romantic flick that’d not have the male protagonist gift/present a rose to her leading lady in Bollywood of course. Marigold flower is what adorns the walls, ceilings and mandap (stage) of every ‘Big Fat Indian Wedding’ and jasmine being the aphrodisiac that it is, sends one’s olfactory senses into a tizzy, right?
List of Top Five Homemade Flower Face Masks for Fair Glowing Skin Easily:
Rose Petals Face Mask
Jaded of using the same old rose water (Gulaab Jal in Hindi) over years? Need a change in your skin care regimen? Hop on to the DIY bandwagon and go searching for fresh rose flowers. I’d not suggest the ones that you get your local florists’ shop for they are sprayed with a number of pesticides and preservatives to prolong their shelf life. Instead, pluck the ones that grow in potted plants. They are packed with all the nutrition that your skin yearns for. It’s called the “Panineer” variety. Now, that you have the best variety, a few words on its advantages that would be music to your ears as you’d get to know what all your skin is go ing to relish.
Advantages of Glycerin and Rose Face Pack:
The natural oils present in rose help maintain moisture in the skin thereby making it soft and lucent. The sugar present in the petals of the rose flower are especially advantageous to those with sensitive skin. Milk makes our skin squeaky clean from the inside, besides making it radiant and supple. Glycerin binds in moisture to the skin thereby keeping it well-nourished. An excellent face mask for fair skin.
PROCEDURE- All you need to do is mash 7-8 rose petals using a pestle and mortar and a little water (around 1-2 tbsp) till a fine, semi-liquid pink coloured paste is obtained. Add a tbsp. each of milk and glycerine. Mix well, apply the face pack and wash off after half an hour. It is going to be messy because the flower pack will be predominantly liquid in consistency so, be conscientious and patient.

Marigold Flower Face Mask
Seen wedding venues bedecked with those orange-coloured rotund flowers? Well, that my friend is none other than Calendula or in simple words- Marigold. Marigold flowers work exceedingly well for eczema and allergic reactions and this makes them wonderful for all sorts of skin problems. It contains lots of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and helps to rejuvenate skin from within along with giving a fair glow. On the contrary, coconut milk has the ability to moisturize the skin without clogging pores. Perfect to nourish and hydrate skin which has abrasions and wounds?
PROCEDURE- Mash a few marigold flowers’ petals with a little water (1 tbsp). When a fine p aste which is predominantly liquid is obtained, add a tbsp. of coconut milk to it. If you can make coconut milk at home ,what better than this? But if you can’t, go for an organic variant. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and neck. It will be mainly orange in colour (of course, marigold is orange after all) but do not fret. The marigold face pack won’t stain your face. Wash off after half an hour with ample cold water. Your skin will look visibly brighter and fairer and feel well- hydrated after using this flower face mask.
Jasmine Flower Face Mask:
Remember Princess Jasmine from the widely loved cartoon series by Disney- Arabin Nights? Yes, the very same series having the wiseacre Genie and the lanky but gritty Alladin. I wished (and continue to wish) I had a pal like Genie who’d turn things/food/clothes/anything before me within the twinkling of an eye! In fact, I loved Genie was one of those cartoon characters whose wit is fondly reminisced by me even today when I have (sadly) grown up. Anyway, wasn’t Princess Jasmine’s skin tone so gorgeous that today, we are using the very flower she had been named upon to get skin as glowing as hers?
Benefits of Jasmine flower: Jasmine face packs are particularly beneficial for those with dry skin. It works to moisturise skin deeply. Milk is a wondrous pore cleanser. Besan evens out skin tone and gives a glowing skin.
PROCEDURE- Mash a few petals of Jasmine flower, add a tbsp. of raw milk and besan. Mix well, apply the flower mask and relax. The aroma of this face mask from flowers is going to transport you to a different place altogether. After 15 minutes, come back to earth and wash off! Your skin will be visibly brighter and even in appearance.
Rose Flower and Oatmeal Face Pack:
Roses are a major storehouse of Vitamin C which nurtures skin. Besan helps to sort sallow complexion besides leaving you with an even complexion. In this face pack/mask recipe, it is the binding agent just like Oatmeal. Oats help to nourish skin by moisturizing it deeply making it a great flower mask for dry skin. Oats act as a natural moisturizer by removing dead skin cells. They contain beta-glucan that forms a fine film on your skin as well as penetrates deep into the skin to provide it the much needed moisturization. Dry skinned ladies did I see you jump in excitement? This flower mask recipe helps a great deal in getting rid of abrasions and also improves collagen deposition.
PROCEDURE- Mash 7-8 fresh rose petals using a pestle & mortar and a little water (1 tbsp). Blend a few tbsp. of oatmeal in a dry blender till a fine powder is obtained. In a bowl, mix a tbsp. each of oatmeal powder as well as besan flour. Add adequate rose petals puree and mix well to form a smooth paste. You are done! Apply the rose face pack and wash off after half an hour and welcome a new brighter and glowing you.
Lotus Flower Face Mask Recipe
India’s national flower- Lotus offers myriad skin benefits. In fact, you’d be left wondering as to why didn’t you use lotus mask on your skin before. It works to hydrate our skin deeply, thereby increasing skin’s elasticity and complexion, erasing fine lines, fading brown spots and wrinkles. Milk in this flower face pack hydrates and replenishes our skin, leaving it glowing and radiant fair. Prefer raw/unboiled milk over boiled milk for it has more benefits for skin. And the final ingredient of this face pack is Masoor dal. Now, one cannot get masoor dal powder in the markets but its preparation at home is as easy as it can get. Simply add a few tbsp. of masoor dal into a blender and grind for a minute or two till you get a smooth/fine powder. Ready with your army now?
PROCEDURE- Mash the petals of a lotus flower using a pestle and mortar and a little water (1 tbsp) to facilitate the process. When done, add a tbsp. each of milk and masoor dal powder. Mix well, apply the face pack from flowers on your face and neck. Keep it for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Meet a relaxed and glowing you.
All these flower face packs are good for both face and body. But do remember to use natural flowers from the garden and not the ones available at a florist shop to get the best benefits for your skin.
By Contributor: Nidhal
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