Top 7 Beauty Benefits Of Buttermilk
Slapping chemical-laden tan removal creams or lotions might help your dry and dull skin in the short run but are we on VNA myopic? Definitely no! We adopt and do what serves us in the long run. So, why not go natural and what better than chaas? Wait, I see your eyebrows rise on this. Chaas has a number of health and skin care uses. Let me list the best beauty and skin benefits of buttermilk that will, by the end of the skin care post, leave you yearning for a glass of buttermilk (this time not for drinking it but for treating your skin to its many useful properties).
It’s hot these days. No, wait! It’s sweltering hot these days. Brace yourselves before stepping out for not only will the army of dirt, grime and polluted air welcome you but also the “I-will-make-you-feel-like-a-barbequed-chicken” heatwaves smirk in utmost sadism to see a prey (read: you) walk in your turf! No matter how much sunblock you slap on skin, the threat of sun tanning won’t vanish into thin air. Add to that, sun burn is a reality especially if you are a city-bred fellow.
After battling it out in the blistering heat, as you head home, haggard and sapped of energy with your face bearing the trappings of torture inflicted upon by the sadist Sun, what would you do if your eyes catch sight of a chilled glass of Chaas (read: butermilk)? Leap on to it with a speed that would put most F1 racers to shame and then slurp it as if it is the last glass of buttermilk on this planet! Go ahead, fellow but be a little considerate towards your parched and unburnt skin too. It too, has had its share of trauma.
Is Buttermilk good for Face?
Do not picture fair skin. Please don’t be blinded by vacuous advertisements of fairness creams which instill inferiority complex in your psyche in the name of pampering oneself’ Glowing skin refers to skin which is cleansed deeply and has a natural lustre of its own R-E-G-A-R-D-L-E-S-S of the skin tone. As far as buttermilk is concerned, it is rich in lactic acid and a natural pro-biotic too. Lactic acid is found in most of the beauty products in the market. Chaas is astringent in nature and high in acidic property. Ladies whose age is advancing surely have a reason to cheer about!
Toss those high-end chemical-laden cleansers of yours into the trash. There’s a pocket-friendly and all-natural fix coming your way. Make way for it. No points for guessing, it is the Good Ol’ buttermilk. Buttermilk works as an excellent cleanser for skin. It is used to cleanse and nourish skin deeply/intensely. Its lactic acid content drives out all the dirt, dust, grime and muck embedded in the innermost pores of your skin.
To allay the foul smell of it (in case you dislike it), add a few drops of rose water and there you go, an all-natural, convenient to concoct cleanser is at your service, miss. Regular use will give you optimum buttermilk skin benefits.
In case the scar/spot/blemish is old and deep, then concocting recipes at home to banish them completely won’t be the perfect solution. In fact, a sane idea would be to seek a dermatologist’s assistance/consultation. In case you have acne spots or blemishes that are neither old nor deep, then regular usage of buttermilk in your beauty regimen would be fruitful. How?
Spots and other blemishes are controllable and get diminished overtime with regular use of buttermilk because of the astringent properties of its lactic acid content. Its one of my favourite uses of chaas for face.
Just returned back from that frolicsome trip to those mesmerizing beaches you had been planning for long or simply stayed out in the sun for long enough to let the sun fry your skin? Grab a glass of buttermilk and treat your sun burnt skin. It works to cool, relax and soothe your skin. In fact, it works wonders as an anti-tanning agent too. To augment its efficacy, add sufficient quantity of tomato puree to it.
It will form a delectable pink mixture that will compel you to slurp a scoop of strawberry ice cream (again, the Foodie in me resurfaces). The vitamin A and C in this buttermilk recipe will help heal skin better. Pssst…Make sure the buttermilk is chilled. A great beauty treatment with buttermilk.
When blended with the powerful humectant that honey is (as always, I would recommend Manuka honey. If it seems too exorbitant/extortionate to you, look for an organic variant. Nowadays, they are available online in India), buttermilk leaves you with skin whose aging is has been considerably allayed .
A point I would like to clarify beforehand is that ageing is a natural process. You cannot halt it completely. If the process is premature, however, its pace can be reduced. Why this honey mask works? Honey acts as a natural cleanser while buttermilk moisturizes, brightens and exfoliates the skin. Once the preliminary task is done by honey, buttermilk comes into the picture. It restores skin’s glow and rectifies its imperfections. A great use of buttermilk for older ladies.
Pesky pimples are a thing of the past if you have this wonder ingredient in your refrigerator. For the treatment of pimples, concoct a mixture of buttermilk as well as gram flour (called Besan or chickpea flour) on your face and neck. Leave it on till it dries and gently wash off. Do not rub your face. You never know if any of your pimples are scratched away unwittingly. That would spell disaster and turn the clock back! Also, repeat this buttermilk remedy every alternate day for a month.
Being persistent is the key here. Do not expect to see a pimple-free face the way it is shown in adverts wherein the moment the model/actress splashes her face with water with the mask on it, pimples disappear magically as if they weren’t pimples but dots made with a sketch-pen (by the way, for the latter, one needs to rub a little). Use this every alternate day so that not only your skin gets habituated to the ingredients but also the goodness of them seep into your skin well.
Again, do not build castles in the air as you read the title. Sagging skin too, is ineluctable. The degree varies and so does the time taken to throw positive results. If you are in your 20s, then this woe can be tackled with a little less endeavor than what would be required in your 30s or 40s. However, do not be lax.
Mix adequate quantity of buttermilk into besan (chickpea flour or gram flour), turmeric (Kasthoori manjal or Amba haldi to be opted for), sandalwood powder and egg white (from an egg) and orange rinds’ powder. Keep it on for at least 15 fifteen. Your skin will feel tightened (naturally, because the mask is getting dried) but deep inside, not only is your skin’s radiance being worked upon to be bright to the forefront but also it is being tightened courtesy egg white. Repeat every alternate day for a month and brace yourself for a younger you is on the way!
So, the next time you lay your hands on a chilled glass of buttermilk, be generous to your skin too. Spare some for it. Don’t be biased towards your taste buds. Let your skin savour its goodness and various beauty benefits too! Is buttermilk good for your skin and face? It definitely is.
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