Top 6: Best Hair Vitamins for Hair Growth, Home Remedies, Tips
Be it the classic waist-length hair, the sexy pixie or the coquettish curly look, gorgeous hair makes one’s jaws drop in fascination and eyes dilate in awe. Period. Some ladies out there are blessed with it. Some pamper it so well that their semblance improves overtime. Home remedies for hair growth work in some cases but the rest has to resort to doctor treatments. Today I will bring to you a list of the top vitamins needed for hair growth and some common food sources for which would be your allies in resuscitating your scalp. These vitamins can work for men and women of any age. Without further ado lets see what my hair growth formula is.
“Almost cut my hair” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, “Bangs” by The Might Be Giants, “The Girl I love got long wavy black hair” by Led Zeppelin, “Short haired woman” by Lightning Hopkins, “Dark Haired Rider” by Heavy Trash, “Long blonde hair” by The Meteors and so goes a list of songs-some of them being chartbusters romanticizing the beauty of hair. How we wish ours too, were worthy of being eulogized the same way! Well, at least I do. Do you?
Experiments for Hair Growth:
There is a group of women that desperately oscillates between chemical treatments and hair growth home remedies to give its locks a new lease of life! That’s the confused lot. And I was one in that group a few years ago. Having tormented my crowning glory (which wasn’t worthy of being called so a few years ago) to a number of chemical-laden shampoos, conditioners and serums
, one fine day I just decided to give up all that rubbish out of the blue. And then began my tryst with home remedies. The first two-three months didn’t do anything significant. Disheartened, I decided to give it up too but then a thought exploded in my mind to at least
Google the benefits of what all I was putting on my scalp in the name of hair growth.

With a lot (read: loooooot) of help from Mr. Google (thank you Larry Page and Sergey Brin for bringing Google to us. You have made our lives easier. A lot. At the same time, a lot of us have been dumbed down as well. More on this sometime later, folks. Technology after all, is a double-edged sword), I read a bit on the nutritive value of the hair growth ingredients I was putting on my tresses. Turns out that I was putting things that already my scalp had aplenty which is why, my scalp and hair did not show any noteworthy results. What my hair needed was a good dose of “hair vitamins” for the hair to grow and that is what I wasn’t supplying to it adequately!
Along with the hair growth vitamins I will also mention some common food items for hair growth that can be your hair growth home remedies. Do not fret. These food items in all probability, won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Also, they aren’t very rare to spot. If not at your nearby grocery, it’s the age of “Apps”, right? Download an Application (Grofers, Big Basket, Fresh Fal-Sabzi, Local Baniya, Mera Grocer and the ilk) and go shopping from anywhere you want to for when it comes to nourishing one’s body with an eye on restoring our almost dead hair to life, endeavoring this much is a necessity!

List of Top Six Vitamins for Hair Growth:
Deficiency of Vitamin A can lead to dry and brittle/frangible hair which can contribute to hair loss. Vitamin A stimulates the hair follicles and helps the scalp in production of sebum, which keeps the scalp and hair hydrated and nourished. Even though Vitamin A is predominantly useful for eye care, yet there is surely no denying that it helps to produce healthy sebum which keeps hair from drying out and breaking off at bay. In addition to this, Vitamin A fights free radicals that weigh your hair down. So, isn’t this a good enough reason to gorge on those food items that are rich in Vitamin A and supply your scalp with this powerful nutrient?
5 Common food items packed with Vitamin A- Carrots, spinach, peach, fish and cod liver oil.
Vitamins in sub group of B don’t really aid the growth of new hair, but they help avert the loss of old hair. Deficiencies of vitamin B have been shown to cause hair loss and breakage, so better add items in your diet that are rich in it or else… (Okay, I am being a sadist here. Schadenfreude is fun, isn’t it?)
5 Common food items rich in Vitamin B- Chicken, salmon, lentils, almonds and chickpeas (Chholiya in Hindi)
Vitamin C is needed for hair growth and repair of tissues in our body and because our human body does not store Vitamin C in its tissues. Hence, we need to consume it on a regular basis. Since Vitamin C is water-soluble , our body doesn’t store or accumulate much of it which is why, it is an absolute necessity to ensure that its daily intake is sufficient.
Vitamin C prevents hair loss, premature graying, dryness, and brittle hair. Dry and splitting hair is an indication of Vitamin C deficiency. In addition to this virtue, Vitamin C is responsible for production of collagen, which is important or rather more appropriately, a desideratum for strengthening hair and improving hair growth. Vitamin C also helps to impart radiance to your skin and the best part is that most Vitamin C rich food items are a treat for one’s taste buds. What more can one ask for- nourishment and a lingering taste in one?
5 Common food items rich in Vitamin C- Oranges, Mausami, Kinnu (kinnow), lemon (can be consumed by the way of Nimbu paani) and strawberries.
Vitamin D is beneficial for the whole body and this includes the scalp and hair. Also, vitamin D is necessary in order for the body to absorb calcium, which is essential for healthy follicles. It also promotes healthy follicle growth, reducing hair loss.
5 Common food items rich in Vitamin D- Milk, cheese, curd (yoghurt), eggs and mushroom.
PS- If your daily intake of Vitamin D isn’t being met, don’t fret. Take a stroll daily for 15 minutes outside. That does not mean go out during scorching afternoons. You will return deep-fried! Take strolls early morning. Thats one quick hair growth tip.

Vitamin K is an indispensable nutrient which plays an important role in blood clotting and protein modification. It comes in two forms- Vitamin K1 & Vitamin K2. It is recommended to consume 90 mcg/day of vitamin K. Excess consumption may lead to blood clotting, so do no thaw on it with abandon. It exerts an influence on the strength of your hair. So, if you have hair prone to breakage, watch over your diet and augment the share of Vitamin K before it becomes impossible to reverse the clock.
5 Common food items rich in Vitamin K- Kale (Known as Karamsaag in Hindi), blueberries, raspberries, cucumbers and plums.
Vitamin E helps to prevent and reverse hair loss thank to its ability to grow blood vessels. It also increases circulation to the scalp. Topical vitamin E applied to the scalp may also help to regrow hair. Vitamin E helps body’s blood circulation by increasing oxygen intake, which in turn aids the body in hair growth. Got a reason now to devour those food items rich in Vitamin E to cosset your crowning glory? Great!
5 common food items rich in Vitamin E- Almonds, walnuts, soya bean, papaya and kale (called Karamsaag in Hindi)
By Contributor: Nidhal
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Which is your favourite hair growth vitamin? Share your reviews with us.