Christmas is around the corner and you must be busy planning your own Christmas party. Here are some of the best game ideas for your Christmas party that will help you a lot. These include ideas for both kids and adults. Let’s face it, there is no game for adults unless its silly and fun. But I’m sure your colleagues at office, friends and family will enjoy these games as much as the toddlers and children.
1. Gift Unwrap Race Game
Christmas Games using gifting paper
It’s no secret that kids love unwrapping presents and a large part of their fascination lies in the fact that they are exposed to huge numbers of prettily wrapped packages! The next time you organize a party at your place, make all the kids sit around a large circle wearing mittens. All you are going to need now is a collection of differently sized boxes and lots of rolls of wrapping paper. Now organize a lot of treats inside a gift box (the smallest one) and wrap it up prettily. Next, place the box inside a bigger one and then wrap that. Continue doing this until you have used up all the boxes. Finally keep the final product inside the circle made by the kids. Put on some Christmas music and keep on stopping it at intervals to let the kid holding the box unwrap a layer. The child who unwraps the last box
gets to choose his/her favorite treat.
2. Mystery Stocking Game:
stockings game
This is a relatively easy christmas game to organize and works well for adults as well as children. All you need for this simple game is lots of old colorful stockings and plenty of Christmas treats. For kids you can use crayons, small toys, cute stationery items, candy packs, whistles etc. For adults you can keep items like lipsticks, pack of cards, bottle openers, hair clips etc. Simply slide one item inside one stocking (there should be enough for each member of the party) and tie up the mouth of the stocking. Now let each guest guess whets kept inside the stocking by touching it for 10 seconds. The one who guesses the treat correctly can keep it.
3. Fun Christmas Maze:
christmas puzzle
This is a game which can serve as a great ice breaker for a holiday Party. All you are going to need for this one are lots of balls of yarn and pencils (one for each member. Tie one treat to the end of each ball of yarn (only one end) while the other end should be tied to a treat. Hide the treats in improbable places like under the bed, inside the closet, behind the curtain, in the loft etc. Inform each guest in the party that at the end of their ball of yarn lies a lovely treat and they have to find their way to it fast. The one who reaches his treat first gets a special reward.
4. Name the Christmas Song:
This is an interesting version of the all time favorite christmas game of name the tune. All you have to do is to scour out some nice instrumental tracks which have Christmas songs as their backdrop and note down the name of the singer and the track. Now play each of the instrumental tracks for one minute and ask each guest to guess the name of the singer. Keep a good mix of carols, jazz, rock as well as popular movie Christmas tracks so that there is something that appeals to everyone. Make sure that you keep some treats handy for rewarding people who have guessed right!
5. Dressing up Santa:
games with santa dress up
This is more of a kid’s christmas game though adults too can have fun participating in this creative exercise. All you need for this are plenty of streamer rolls in white, black and cherry red colors, lots of duct tape rolls and balls of cotton. Now divide all your guests into small teams comprising of 3-4 members. One person in each team is elected Santa and the rest of the team members try their best in dressing up Santa with the materials provided. Obviously the team which creates the most convincing Santa is rewarded.
What an informative post, thanks!
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