Top 20: Small and Inspiring Wrist Tattoo Designs and Meanings for Boys and Girls
Ever stood on the crossroads of wanting a tattoo but not being able to decide if you’re ready for such a commitment? If yes then you’ve come to the right place. No doubt tattoos are gorgeous and admired by most but not all have the courage to actually get one. The permanency of a tattoo design is what scares most. Quick tip: Start with small tattoos. Research, research, research. If you don’t like it, don’t get it. I have been wanting to get a wrist tattoo since the beginning of time but somehow I’ve been too chicken. So finally I decided to consult the internet if I should finally man up and get one. You know what the internet told me? YOLO. Earlier only girls used to go for tattoos on inner wrist but nowadays guys also like to go for wrist tattoos. So here is a round up of 20 best Small and cute Wrist Tattoos to start you out.
Get something you won’t regret and if you like how it looks on your skin, you can always go back for more. Tattoos are a tricky thing. Not everyone can pull off tattoos. And there are so many elements to consider. Which tattoo artist to choose? Where will you get the tattoo design? Is your pain tolerance enough to get a detailed one or a simple one? To make your choice easier, I’ve put up a list of Pinterest and Tumblr inspired small wrist tattoos that’ll help you decide if this is something you’ll get marked on your skin.
Wrists are the most common place to get a tattoo for both men and women. But wrists are the best place for a first tattoo, or a second, or a third. Wrists are the best place. Period. They show off your tattoos wonderfully and it looks gorgeous. Haven’t you ever sat in a boring class and drawn on your wrist, wanting to get a tattoo there sometime? If you have, here’s your chance to plan one. Keep reading to find our more.
List of Top Twenty Cute Tattoo Designs for Wrist for Men and Women
1 – A Semi-Colon Wrist Tattoo
Quite popular lately, the semi-colon is a symbol; a reminder to pause. Very artsy and looks gorgeous on wrist too. It’s a metaphoric tattoo symbolizing that your story isn’t over yet. Remember you’re the artist of your own tattoo so you can add all kinds of variations to your tattoo. Maybe switch the dot with a heart, add words before the semi colon, anything. No hard fast rule.

2 – Hamsa Hand on Wrist for Girls
If you’re active on Instagram which I’m sure most of you are, you know what I’m talking about. A Bohemian symbol and a style statement, the hamsa hand design is everywhere. May it be rings or necklaces to henna tattoos or cloth prints, hamsa hand is a symbol of protection from the evil eye. Once again let me put it out there that you can add any kind of variation to your hamsa hand tattoo. Maybe inc orporate flowers or arrows, it can be as big or as small as you want. Added bonus: It’ll look beautiful no matter what.

3 – Arrows on Girls Wrists
Tribal arrow tattoos symbolize elegance and time. Shooting arrows needs aim and means that all you need to do is focus. You can add words to your arrows or make the stem a words leading to the arrow. Variation, variation, variation. Also, something you can pull off easily on your wrist.

4 – Word Tattoos for boys and girls
Ever felt like a word simply describes everything that you are? Well then what are you waiting for? Get a word tattooed on your wrist that’ll remind you of your true-self and the essence that defines you. Get it in calligraphy, in your mother’s handwriting, or in a font you want because you simply like it. No pressure at all. Eg:- Wanderlust. Recently a friend of mine got a wrist tattoo saying wanderlust, she says it reminds her that whenever hard times roll up, her tattoo reminds her that she should never loose her soul. Truer words were never spoken.

5 – Sound Wave Tattoo for men
My Uncle got a tattoo of his wife’s laugh after she passed away. He says every time he looks at the tattoo, he can hear her laugh and it brings back a piece of her to him. Sound wave small tattoos are as complicated as they sound. If you’re the type of person who wants your wrist tattoo design to tell a story, this one is a very good choice for you. You can get one as a remembrance or simply because you want to capture someone’s voice on your skin.

6 – The Elephant Wrist Tattoo
Confession time: I have an unhealthy obsession with elephants and plan on getting an elephant tattoo design myself. My mother once asked me why I obsess over elephants. I quickly googled and told her that they symbolize strength. It may have started as a joke but soon I realized that elephants really do symbolize strength and it’s the strength I need in my life. If you can relate, elephants are a go my friend. Can’t go wrong with them.

7 – Small Bird Tattoos for Girls
All the Divergent fans out there, shout out if your mind went straight to Tris at the mention of bird tattoos. In the books and in the movies, I admired Tris’ bird tattoos and dreamed of getting them myself. They essentially symbolism freedom and if you feel like freedom is what you need in life, bird tattoo designs are for you. Or you can get them on your wrist because you like the design. Don’t care what people say. Do what you love.

8 – Literary Tattoos on Wrist
On the note of Divergent, let’s take about small literary tattoos. Now if you’re a nerd-girl like me and want to show your appreciation for Harry Potter, a quote or the deathly hallows symbols is a start. You can also use a quote from your favourite book or a word that reminds you of the book. Eg: Okay? Okay.

9 – Carpe Diem tattoo idea
Seize the moment. How appropriate with regards to the lifestyle we live. If you need the reminder, get the small wrist tattoo.

10 – Nautical Tattoos on Side Wrist
Nautical tattoos essentially mean anchors. Now you can take a wild guess and figure out what anchor symbolizes. Size is up to you and so is the tattoo design.

11 – Dreamcatcher Tattoos on Inner Wrist
Now again you know what dreamcatcher symbolizes. They’re a nice sign of hope for the future and let me tell you, they look gorgeous as wrist tattoos.

12 – Small Waves Design Idea
Are you a water baby? Love to surf? Get a wave tattoo on your wrist, letting you know that your passion will always live on. Or do you simply love the ocean? This small tattoo is for you my friend. It’s little but says so much.

13 – Wrist Flowers for Girls
Personal favourite: Daisy. But if I may say so myself, the popular ones are rose and lotus. But if you like sunflowers more, get them. Be a unicorn my friend, don’t be a follower. Other flower tattoo for wrist ideas are dandelion, dahlias, aesthetic flowers are a popular choice too. You can create your own flowers.

14 – The World Map tattoo
I read somewhere about this girl who got the world map tattooed on her body and coloured in all the parts that she’s visited. A traveller, they aimed to colour in the whole tattoo. I always found the idea quite pleasing and if you do too, this one’s for you. Of course you don’t need to colour in all the parts like her. You could just let it be. A reminder of your worldliness.

15 – Hearts on Inner Wrist
Most common small tattoo of all, a simple heart conveys a lot. If you’re into simplicity rather than detail, a cute heart tattoo design on your wrist will convey everything that you’re trying to say.

16 – Feathers for Guys
Tribal feathers, feathers with arrows, feathers with words, feathers with detail, you are the master of your own small tattoo. Go crazy child.

17 – Musical Notes for Men
Ever get the feeling that a world without music would be a world not worth living in? If yes, musical notes designs are for you. Or do you feel that music is such an important part of your life that without it you’d be incomplete? Why not get a treble clef on the inside of your wrist?

18 – Paws as a Small Wrist Tattoo
Love of dogs? Get a small paw tattoo. Love of cats? Get a paw tattoo. Love of animals? You know where I’ve going with this right? (wink) No seriously, cute paw tattoos on wrist are wonderful. They’re small and cute and look fabulous.

19 – Infinity Symbol for Men and Women
An infinity symbol can symbolise anything you want. It’s versatile that way and looks amazing on your wrist. Think this is for you? Then you should definitely try this design.

20 – C’est La Vie on Wrist
Such is Life. In this fast paced life that we live, we forget to actually pause and live in the moment. This cute wrist tattoo will remind you to do just that.

So there you have it, a list of inspiring small wrist tattoos to choose from. You can either get them because you connect with them or you can get them because you simply love the design, no other reason. Not everything has to mean something. You can use them for an inspiration for your first tattoo or add to the canvas that you call a body. If you think this list helped you, share and comment how. But don’t forget, you be you my friend.
Image courtesy: Pinterest
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