Top 10: Best Tea Tree Essential Oils In India
At the time of war, Australians used a natural remedy popularly called Medicine in a Bottle or Tea Tree Oil, as the name suggests it is derived from the distillation of tea tree leaves, being anti-viral and anti-fungal. Australian army puts it in their soldiers’ first aid kits. Even today it is perceived as a magic potion. It has so many skin and health benefits that I would call it a miracle oil. It cures ring worms & athlete’s foot, softens corn, heal cuts and scrapes, soothes the itching of and insect bites & chicken pox, removes dandruff and treats acnes and warts. Its easily available online and I will tell you about the 10 best tea tree oils that are available in India.
In today’s hush and bush when we have all the shortage of time and hive of activities, we tend to become very careless towards us, our poor body gets neglected each time when it demands maintenance and especially when it comes to skin we are bound to ignore it each day till we bring the situation to our neck. With all the polluted air and those bad habits of drinking and smoking our skin cells rupture and result in dryness, acne, inflammation, darkness and what not! BUT THEN…Who would be doing that tedious skin care regime each day when we hardly even get time to watch television! Right ? What if I say there is a formula which is as easy as blinking the eyes? What if you are left with all the spare time and still pull off a daily skin care regime with no effort? If you are brimming in anticipation then you are on the right post ladies!
In earlier times when the world was short of all allopathics and homeopathics, only herbal medicines were there which used to save people from all the chronic diseases. Apart from skin benefits tea tree oil
has it has miraculous over all health benefits too like it reduces fever and splitting headaches, relieves pain, treats lice, can help lower the blood pressure, helpful for infections including vaginitis, sinusitis and cystitis.
List of top 10 tree oils in India:

This pre-blended oil is one of the best selling oil and can be used in many different ways. It not only removes the blemishes and acne but also combats them from appearing in future. it is enriched with Community Fair Trade Organic Tea Tree Oil from Kenya. It can be a great remedy for blackheads as well . What can be better than this? It can be used directly on the affected area, as it has antibacterial properties so it never lets the skin to dry out. Its clinically proven and claims to give a blemish free skin in one week. Too good to be true? Its not! Try it! So girls get goin’ and try this magic oil for an even toned beautiful looking skin.
PRICE in India: Rs.695 for 10ml

It is an another great pick. This tea tree oil does not only have great skin benefits but also comes as a whole package of miraculous nutrients. Highly beneficial for skin problems like acne, dryness and inflammation, also helps in healing wounds & cuts. It can also be applied directly on sunburns, insect bites and itching and can be easily carried off as non-toxic and non-irritant. It is clinically tested and will shrug of the ever annoying acne forever.
PRICE in India: Rs. 350 for 10ml

As Natura is known for purity and effectiveness, all of its products can be vouched upon. Its tea tree oil is not only beneficial for facial skin but can also be used on feet and body. It also treats ringworms, lice and tick bites. Now, no more that burning experience on your fragile skin from those usual antiseptics, use this oil on deep wounds, cuts, scratches, sunburns and insect bites as well.
PRICE in India: Rs.645 for 10ml

With its enticing fragrance, this oil is surely a thumps up when it comes to its qualities. Its amazingly super anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties will clear your skin in no time. It also treats tropical infections & diseases. This oil can also be used as an aroma oil in a room which will be helpful in combating fatigue and depression. Price in India: Rs.395 for 15ml

If you are tightfisted and doe not want to spend much on skin care and still want a beautiful looking skin then this oil is a must have in your collection. It not only clears your skin but also prevents the acne to flare up in future. If you are annoyed with those anti-dandruff shampoos drying your hair then you must give this oil a try, it will clear the dandruff off within no time. It also soothes the sore muscle and arthritis, so need not to worry about over working out “pun intended”!
PRICE in India: Rs.350 or 15ml

This tea tree oil is 100% pure essential oil derived from the fresh or partly dried leaves of Tea Tree. It comes as a thin liquid which can be applied on the whole body. It not only fights bacteria, viruses and fungi but can also be used as an excellent hair conditioner, it will shrug off all the dandruff and lice bugging you, in case. Its suitable for acne and oily skin.
Price in India: Rs.349 for 10ml

Its a colourless oil extracted from trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs and grasses. Its intriguing scent instantaneously purifies the air and improves the mood when used as a room freshener. Its ideal for blemished skin, acne and detritus. This oil has gained ground as a remedy for its remarkable healing properties. As an add on its has proven amazingly effective in removing cellulite as well. It can be also used for a body massage, bath and as an inhalation vaporizer. This is considered as one of the best from the league and I would recommend buying it if you want so much in much lesser price!
PRICE in India: Rs. 250 for 10ml

Another one of the best! This oil is the must “must” have in your kitty! Its superbly amazing health benefits never cease to amaze me. It can be used in so many ways that I can just call it a magic potion. It has been clinically proven as one of the best remedies to clear your face in no time. It can also be used to fight asthma, whooping cough, sinusitis and bronchial congestion. It can also be used as an antiseptic for cuts and abrasions. This oil can be used both on hair and body. Recommended for oily skin only.
PRICE in India: Rs.260 for 10ml

This is a high-grade therapeutic oil, and is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It can help to fight all three categories of infectious organisms like bacteria, fungi and virus. This tea tree oil’s massage prior to an operation may help to fortify the body and revive mind and body after shock. It can also be used as a vapour therapy. Great remedy to reduce skin itching and blemishes and can also be used on sunburns and cuts.
PRICE in India: Rs. 400 for 30ml

Another hit from Oilcraft’s basket. This tea tree oil has been one of my favorite which not only provides you a healthy skin but can also be used as a deodorant and cleanser. Just put 8-10 drops in the bath tub and you will be coming out with a serene scent. It has anti acne properties which enter the inner layer of the skin and reduce the oil formation which results in a clear and healthy skin. It can also be applied directly on the scalp to prevent dandruff.
PRICE: Rs.500 for 15ml
Holy Mackeral ! Isn’t it so surprising? So many health benefits by such a petite bottle of a tea tree oil? Amazing, isn’t it? So roll up your sleeves girls and get your pick of a tea tree oil. Your skin will thank you!
Tea tree oils can not only be applied directly on the affected area but can also be mixed with several face masks and toners. If you are such a lazy bone that applying an oil seems like a huge task to you then you can opt for a tea tree oil face wash, it will have the same amazing benefits on skin although at a snail’s pace. You can find all the above Tea Tree Oils online on Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal and Nyka.
CAUTION: Do not apply the oil all over your face rigorously each night, just dab a little bit on the affected areas with a clean cotton.
By Contributor: Sanchita Bhatnagar
Which is your favourite tea tree oil? Share your reviews with us.