Step by Step DIY Face Mask for Glowing Skin with Oats and Honey
By Contributor: Naela
My very first blog on VNA..God I am so excited! My life is literally running like usain bolt in the Olympics. Seriously I rarely have time for myself which means I don’t even have time for my skin care regimen. Before you start thinking what I actually do let me give some intro of myself. Well I am not married or any other stuff but I am in nutrition final year and as obvious final year is so hectic! So let us get going with the Homemade DIY blog. Who doesn’t want glowing, radiant and flawless skin? Everyone wants it! No one is ever going to say I don’t want a good skin. But getting such a beautiful skin requires you to pay attention to your overall health. Yes it is actually true that you are what you eat. With great beauty comes even greater responsibility to maintain it.
So for a beautiful skin you need to be punctual with 3 things that it cleansing, toning and moisturizing. I have a mask which can do all the three jobs for you. Lets begin. We will need the following ingredients: lets know what each ingredient will do as it is equally important to know what you are using on your skin.
1. Oats – 2tsp:
It provides excellent exfoliation without drying your skin. They soothe the skin and is known to be effective for oily skin.
2. Honey – 1tsp
It cleanses your skin and brings out the glowing complexion hidden within you. It reduces scars and is a natural moisturizer.
3. Curd – 1tsp
It delays the signs of aging, improves the complexion, helps in acne, provides soft and glowing skin. It cleanses your skin and removes the tan.
So, now you know how the magic happens. Let’s proceed to the step by step tutorial along with pictures. STEPS INVOLVED:
1. Take 2tsp rolled oats and grind them in a mixer.

2. Add 1tsp of curd to oats and mix well.

3. Finally add honey to the mixture and mix well. I like to add honey the last since it is sticky and curd will help to mixture to blend easily.

4. Apply the mixture evenly on the face including the eye area.

5. Let the mixture sit for 20 mins approx. Now wet your hands and gently scrub the mixture in circular motions and then wash with cool water.
Voila! Your skin is soft and smooth, radiant and glowing. I use this mask once a week and it makes my skin looks fresh and healthy. It gives a mild exfoliation with moisture. I personally love this mask and hope even you do. This mask is very good for oily skin and it doesn’t dry your face. It smells sweet like a jam sandwich. Yes by that I do mean instead of throwing away the remaining you can eat it since everything is edible. Do try this mask and tell me if it worked for you. See it is not about being fair and all but a good skin gives you the confidence to step out even without makeup. Your skin reflects your health. So as studying nutrition I would say the first step is good healthy nutritious food and plenty of sleep. Then comes making your outer appearance beautiful because let’s be honest here no mask is going to completely eradicate your skin issues until and unless you provide your skin with its food.
Till then I hope you like my first post. Any reviews or comments are more than welcome. Till then buh-bye!
Which is your favourite Glowing Skin Mask? Share your views with us.