Top 10: Best Stretch Mark Removal Creams, Oils Available in India with Reviews, Price List
Be it during or post pregnancy, or when we generally gain and then drop off those extra kilos, we tend to get stretch marks as our skin goes through a series of contractions and expansions. And of course hormonal changes during pregnancy, is a huge factor. I know there are many DIYs we all know and have tried out to get rid of or at least lighten these marks. But a little extra help never hurt anyone. Here’s bringing to you 10 anti stretch marks creams and oils that are available in India, either in drugstores, online or at the brand’s outlet. So whether you are a new mom or trying to lose or gain weight, you need a stretch marks creams in your vanity.
List of Best Stretch Marks Removal Creams in India:

This one has been all over the internet, the papers and on the television (in the form of ads, of course). Quite acclaimed to be a stretch mark lightener, visibly reducing them. Though it’s not recommended to be used during the pregnancy, because of the Retin A content in it, which is a big ‘no’ (as i know from pregnant friends). They use it only after the delivery. For those weightlifters though, let’s dab some bio oil. Price in India: Rs 450 for 60ml. There are great offers online though. VNA has a detailed review on how and when to use bio oil so do check that out by clicking the link. Undoubtedly one of the best stretch marks removal oils in India.
Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E

The beautiful smell of cocoa and the smoothness of butter, it cannot get better than this. Or should I say, it cannot get better than butter. Okay, bad joke. But seriously though, give this moisturizer a go from day 1 and it will help keep the skin stretch less and reduce those pulled white lines, otherwise known as the stretch marks. Though not anti-stretch marks, this butter will keep the skin supple and smooth. Price in India: Rs. 545 for 200ml

This one is definitely more specific for stretch marks. The lotion claims that this product is specifically developed for stretch marks. Major pros are it is paraben and phthalate free, hydrating, and odorless (which can be annoying during pregnancy, I am told) and runs for a good 8 to 9 hours too. Comes in grab and go easy tube packaging and quite easily available in drugstores. Again a detailed review here on VNA is available for you to see how it fares after usage. Price in India: Rs. 425 for 125 gms.
Vichy Complete Action Anti-Stretch Mark Cream

Like I said, gaining or losing weight rapidly can also lead to stretch marks. It can happen anywhere, thighs, shoulders, buttocks, hips, chest, calf, stomach, etc. Of course pregnancy, as stated is another reason. And Vichy complete action comes in handy. The cream is also tested by gynecologists and can be used safely during pregnancy too. Price in India: Rs. 1800 (approx.) for 125 ml. Like any other product from Vichy, this cream is on the expensive end.
Biotique Coco Butter Cream

The anti stretch marks cream claims, it is safe to use during pregnancy and if dieting. The cream soothes stretched skin, is rich in cocobutter. Cures pigmentation due to ill health and helps to smooth stretch marks on the skin. Plus it is easily available in drugstores, beauty stores and pharmacies. Price in India: Rs. 180 for 60gm.
RevAyur Stretch Mark Cream

Ayur Herbals brings this herbal anti stretch marks cream, which claims to smoothen and tone the skin, repair broken collagen and fade stretch marks without causing any allergies, pigmentation or irritation to the skin. Definitely worth a try. Price in India: A 75g pack is available for Rs. 210
Chicco Intensive Anti-stretch Marks Serum

For all the new mothers out there, or the to-be-mommies, this brand could be familiar. Chicco has this intensive anti stretch mark serum, which comes with a pump and can be used anywhere on the body. It has pure vitamin E oil and is claimed to be completely safe for use even during pregnancy. A light massage with this oil will not only help prevent stretch marks, but will also act as the catalyst to fade any existing marks on your body. Price in India: A 50 ml bottle is available at Rs. 999.
Mederma Skin Care Cream for Scars

This one truly came as surprise to me. I have seen TV commercials of this brand, which shows scars being cured. Of course, scars are mostly on the topmost layer of the skin and therefore this cream can be beneficial. But, it made me wonder how this can help reduce stretch marks, which is internally borne. I was pleasantly surprised when, I learnt from a friend that she used this for stretch marks and regular application helped lighten the marks. Price in India: Rs. 363 for a 10gm tube.
Mothercare Bump And Beyond Smoothing Out Stretch Mark Cream

This UK Brand, is a mild, allergen free cream for expecting mothers, who want to take care of stretch marks and prevent them altogether. Price in India: Rs. 549 for 200ml bottle.
Olive Oil/ Coconut Oil/ Vitamin-E Oil
When I said DIYs, this would rate on the topmost. I figured why not make this the best on the list. They don’t say oiling is the best cure for skin without a reason. So, using of these variants will help to keep the skin moisturized throughout the pregnancy and allow the skin to remain supple. And if you are lifting those heavy weights and doing those squats, keep them legs and arms oiled. The price point will differ
from brand to brand, or which oil one wants to pick. One of the best remedies of stretch marks removal.
Of course, all the moms and the expecting ladies, would definitely know more. But, as one who is majorly trying to lose weight (and very slowly shedding some, thanks for asking) I am beginning to notice some white lines on my arms and inner thighs. Goodbye shorts and singlets! Therefore, my refuge in one or few of these anti-stretch marks creams and oils. Hope this helped. Do share if there are any DIYs or other products you like and have used, with great results! Nivea also has a stretch marks oil and cream which you can read more about here ofcourse.
By Contributor: Pooja B
Read More:
Bajaj Nomarks Cream
Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Glow Nourishing Body Lotion
Parachute Advansed Soft Touch Body Lotion
Which is your favourite Stretch Marks Removal Cream? Share your reviews with us.