Review, Price, Buy Online Dabur Vatika Premium Henna and Olive Shampoo
By Contributor: Vaidehee
Hey you guys! So i’ve had this post in the works for a while, because reviewing shampoos and creams is tricky business, they need to be used up for a good 4 weeks to actually see any results worth mentioning. I’ve had to switch from my oh-so-loved L’oreal paris 6 oil nourish shampoo and conditioner , to the Dabur Vatika Henna & Olive Shampoo for Satin Silk Hair that i’ll be reviewing to see if it was any good. Spoiler Alert! I think i might have to dump my L’oreal favorites.
Vatika Claims: Discover the feeling of satin silk hair and hairfall control with Vatika Premium Naturals Henna and Olive Shampoo’s natural conditioning and gentle cleansing. Enriched with Henna and Olive, It Provides well nourished hair that’s full of life. Henna is a natural conditioner that works on the hair fiber along with other ingredients, making the hair smooth, shiny and beautiful. Olive along with other ingredients help strengthen hair fiber and thereby control hairfall.

My Review:
Price: It retails at Rs.196 for 360 ml , which is just as reasonable as any other drugstore shampoo.
Packaging : The packaging of the vatika shampoo isn’t too exciting , just a sleek bottle with graphics in a green colour scheme to push the “Natural” message, since Dabur is an Ayurvedic propriety medicine manufacturer . It’s convenient and hygienic, with a no-mess nozzle dispenser and a sturdy travel-friendly flip open cap, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Fragrance : The fragrance , i love! But then again i love just about any scented shampoo. It smells slightly of neem, infused with a bit of spiced citrus (if that made any sence at all! ) , but unlike the L’oreal shampoos, it doesn’t leave your hair smelling like your shower all day, which i’d much rather prefer to be honest.
Texture and Consistency : It’s the same old creamy-gel like consistency that every other shampoo has, except , the vatika premium naturals shampoo (again with the “natural” message!) is tinted green . It’s easy to lather up , which g ives me the pseudo-satisfaction of being squeaky clean, and easy to work through the hair unlike the fussy (and expensive as hell ) gel shampoos which don’t budge!
My take on the ingredients list:
- Olives are a but of an old favorite for me, and i’ve been doing a hot olive oil massage for my scalp and my hair for as long as i can remember , and before i’d fallen off the wagon with that routine, my hair was pretty thick and lustrous. So olives, i’d bet on!
- Henna is a grandmother-thing , they say it’s good for the scalp and has cooling effects, and it’s supposed to add shine and body to the hair. I’ve tried the old henna thing, and for me, it’s always ended up making my hair looking like a Bird’s nest ! So henna, i wouldn’t exactly go all out for.

Did Dabur Vatika Premium Naturals Henna and Olive Shampoo work for me?
The henna and olive shampoo is targeted towards hair fall, and adding shine and lusture to the hair . I did try it out for over 4 weeks and i have to admit, inspite of my iffy feelings about it in the beginning, i fell in love with the results. Lately (or rather, four weeks ago?) , my hair has been rather dry and looking like a ratty mess , and i’ve been a lot more careless with my oiling routine , using a lot more heat and have been skipping conditioner . So i didn’t see any way i could damage it further.
After 4 weeks of using the dabur vatika smapoo, twice-thrice a week , i did notice that my scalp wasn’t as dry and dandruff prone as it used to be, my hair did have a lot more shine to it , and there was a little bit more body and movement through the length of it. And this was with no-conditioners and no hot-oiling . Just the shampoo, on it’s own, worked well for me.
As for the hairfall claim, nope. Didn’t work, and shampoos never really do work for hair fall , unless it’s paired with some kind of regimen that targets breakage.
What i didn’t love about Dabur Vatika Premium Naturals Henna and Olive Shampoo:
- The hair fall claim was an un-necessary one , and it didn’t hold up.
- The product took about 2 weeks for me to notice any real change with my hair.
- The product wouldn’t work as well for everyone i suppose , Especially if you already have pretty tame locks, or if your scalp is a bit more on the oilier side.

Price: Rs.196 for 360ml
VNA Rating: 3.5/5
Buy Online: thestore.in
Verdict? I’d definitely stick to it, and it is worth a try if you’re patient enough for it and are willing to be a human lab-rat. It may not work for everyone out there and you’ll probably be terrified of switching out the usual silicone-filled favorites, but if it does end up resonating with you, you’ll love the results!
Have you used Dabur Vatika Premium Naturals Henna & Olive Shampoo? Share your reviews with us.