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Secret Tip of The Day Vol.26

face mask potato

Okay so potatoes make you fat. Everyone knows that. Aloo shimla mirch is waiting for me right now at the table and I’m gonna feast on it as soon as I publish this post. Infact aloo shimla mirch were the inspiration behind this post! No no I’m not gonna distribute the recipe (everyone

all the moms know how to make them anyway). The point is potatoes are good for your skin even after you just use

them on the outside and don’t let them enter your system.

Potatoes are a good bleaching agent. They also work on spots and pigmentation. So what you need to do is, grab a raw potato slice and rub it on your skin while watching the latest episode of HIMYM (no.22 which is being downloaded on my lapy right now). Just rub it nicely on your skin for 5mins and you are done for today. Do this daily and you will soon start noticing the change. It helps in clearing the blemishes, removing tan/skin lightening and acne marks.