List of Top 15 Makeup Brands That Test On Animals
By Contributor: Uzma
Today I’ll be sharing with you a list of makeup brands which are not animal friendly. I compiled this list after much head banging and included only those brand which are frequently spotted in our Vanity Box and Blog. Actually I should use the word ‘basic’ for describing them. You must be having at least one product from all of these companies. Let’s have a look.
MAC Cosmetics isn’t Cruelty Free
Mac: Oh yes! Even I was surprised. A luxury brand which is equally popular in all parts of the world and they are not cruelty free.

Bobbi Brown Tests on Animals
Bobby Brown: Another luxury brand which can be loosely described as Mac’s competitor. It doesn’t have any animal friendly policy either.
Estee Lauder..Why oh Why
Estee Lauder: I have night serum by them and I swear it’s amazeballs. All Estee Lauder products are. Sad to know that they are listed in such a record.
Clinique y u test on Animals
Clinique: It is famous for equally for its makeup and skin care products. Can’t say much about makeup products but they have some mind blowing skincare range. It’s a pity that they don’t care for animal cruelty.

Vichy is Cruel
Vichy: A brand which is highly lauded for its skin care products. Face wash, lip balm, sunscreens, lotions all of these are highly raved.

TRESemme Stop Testing on Animals
TRESemme: One of the best hair care brand in the market and highly recommended. They have maintained their range in quite amazing way. They have got everything including conditioner, dry shampoos, mousse, gel, you name it and they’ll have it.

Dove You Too?
Dove: A very common household product. I used their shampoo-conditioner combo for a long time till it stopped working on my tresses. Even now three huge jar of body cream are lying in front of my eyes. It smells heavenly.

Neutrogena Stop Animal Testing
Neutrogena: Another very famous skin care brand. Their cleansing gels are favourite of many celebs. Neutrogena also tests its products on animals.

L’Oreal You Are a Surprise
L’oreal: Needs no introduction. These days its Pure Red collection is making headlines in makeup world. Its true match range is also huge favourite. I was surprised to see it in this list.

Maybelline Stop Cruelty
Mabelline: Another popular makeup brand which needs no intro. New launch of their Colossal Kajal is grabbing attention these days. But here we have listed them for another reason.

Revlon that’s Shameful
Revlon: Another cosmetic brand of American origin. The company has come a long way but still they are using age old formula of testing on animals. Shameful, isn’t it?

Ponds Don’t Do This
Ponds: My vanity is stuffed with their BB cream, talcum powder, cold cream and things like that. It’s a basic which has become necessity by the passage of time.

Garnier for Animal Testing
Garnier: I remember it as my teen age brand. I tried every single variant of their face wash in my early teen. Now It makes me smile how anxious I used to be for my skin care. Good ol’ days.
Avon Please Love Animals
Avon: It doesn’t sell its products in market. They have adopted direct selling method which is much more beneficial. Pity that they didn’t think of a more nature friendly brand they could have created.
Maxfactor Tests on Animals
Max Factor: More than 100 years old company, they surely deserve the status of a legend. Not that they aren’t. But they should have done something against the violence towards animals.
What do you think should be done? We love the quality these brands offer but at the same time hurting animals is no excuse for a good night cream. European Union has banned these brands. What do you think is the solution? A list of cruelty free brands coming up.
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