12 Top Secret Backstage Makeup Tips
While flipping through magazines, I always wonder what makes models so neat and perfect. Is it because of what they are by birth that they get into showbiz, or showbiz makes them the Greek Goddesses they are? Those perfect looks, chiseled bodies, neat hair, awesome makeup, pretty shoes and great wardrobes, all make for a perfect look to die for. I seriously feel that if I had the same life or secret to professional makeup tips and products, I would be the happiest (or most glamorous) woman on planet Earth. Probably the same life is difficult, but being the person I have been, getting that look on my face is not that difficult. After meeting a lot of makeup artists, designers, stylists and models backstage, I decided to delve deep and find out what those well kept beauty secrets are.
Now girls, it is really not tough to get a superb, flamboyant ramp look. It is easier than it seems and light on pockets as well. It depends upon your willingness to work hard and going that extra mile to achieve that look. We do see a lot of females around us flaunting those most glamorous makeup trends like princess eyelashes, queen like pouts and model like skin texture. My job, as a beauty blogger, is to help you out with regards to your beauty conundrums. Today, I am specifically going to focus on getting that ramp look on your face off runway. Let us see what some of those hacks are:
List of Top Twelve Backstage Beauty Tips and Secrets:
1. Use Eyeliner as Lip liner & Vice Versa
Of course, not purple and teal ones unless you are very bold and all set to kill the world, however, most of the times, this trick will do wonders to appearance. If you have big eyes and thin lips, then highlight your lips using eyeliners in shades like light mauve, maroon and peach. Do not over do it. If, you have small eyes and big lips, then, you can use your lip liner as to highlight your eyes.
How does this trick help? Eye liners are thin and lip liners thick in terms of volume. A thin eye liner can easily take the focus away from lips, and a thick lip liner can put the focus back on eyes. You can use it simultaneously on lips as well as eyes, and can use either one depending upon the occasion and attire.
2. Use Tissue Paper Instead of Cloth Towel to Dry Your Hair
Okay, it might sound little weird, however, I believed it after seeing it happen. Right after a head bath, use a paper towel instead of cloth towel, separate the hair strands and hold them well between paper towel. Repeat it twice and blow dry your hair after that. It will keep your hair neat, straight and mess free without combing really hard.
3. Apply Oil Instead of Shimmer or Enamel
This is one tip which I loved the most. Instead of going through coats of enamel, just apply few drops of oil to keep your nails healthy. Your nails shine, and stay nourished as well!
I tried using coconut oil and mustard oil, both worked well. Recommended oil is Olive oil though.
4. Use Fingers More While Applying Makeup
Yes, do not feel shy or awkward it you cannot put on that lip gloss without using your fingers, or when you correct your eye liner using your fingers. It shows how creative you are. Most of the makeup artists have actually given up on using beauty weapons and instead, use finger tips for that finishing touch. Keep cotton swabs and paper tissues handy while applying makeup.
5. Start With Your Eyes
Whenever you start with the process of makeup, touch your eyes first. There are two reasons:
a) You will be able to synchronize the shades of lip gloss and concealer accordingly. Dark eye makeup should be followed by a neutral lip gloss or a light eye liner on lips.
b) If you ruin your eye makeup, then you will not have to apply foundation again.
6. Apply Eye Liner on Lower Lashline too
Dying to get that Smokey eye look? Apply eye liner on the lower edge of eye as well. A thick one. Compliment the look with mascara on both eyelashes.
7. Get Those Perfect Waves for Your Hair
Make two braids and tie them well. Now, run your hair strainer or pressing rod by placing the braids between. Do this thrice. Unlock your hair and you will be happy with the wavy look. This hair style will last for eight hours for sure.
8. Using an Eye Pencil on Face
Of course, not the dark ones. Only silver or golden ones, to highlight your nose or cheek bones. Just draw a very thin line on your nose using a silver pencil at home once to see the magic while getting clicked. Most of the models opt for bright, silver eye liners to get that flawless look in pictures.
9. Invest in a Great Mascara
The biggest blunder happens on the runway right under the eye. Yes, the mascara is your best friend and worst enemy. Always buy costly mascara, you can compromise elsewhere. The mascara should be thick and water proof. Curl your eyelashes very well. A lot of times, makeup is ruined on the ramp because of shabby mascara. Make sure that every eye lash comes out as a separate organ. You can choose to apply the mascara on the lower eye lashes as well.
10. Applying Foundation
One of the most simple tips and tricks most of the makeup artists swear by is to apply the foundation at the center and then spread it towards the cheek bones. Once done with face, they move onto the neck and apply the foundation in the same manner. Why so? Because it might not blend well with your skin tone if you apply it inwards as there is no exit point. After sometime, it will appear as if someone has placed cheese balls. If you are applying something on the face, do not ignore you neck or ear lobes. They stand out as dark cousins. Facial treatment should always be extended till the neck to give an even appearance.
11. Wearing Lip Gloss
Do not apply a lip liner if you are using a dark lip gloss or lip shade.
12. Getting Those Classic Shades of Red
Apply little compact or foundation around your lip area. Then wear your favorite dark red/maroon lipstick which is in vogue. Apply two layers of lip gloss. Spread your lips, check how well you have applied and now close your mouth to see if it is not smudging out. In case of dry lips, apply a lip balm or coconut oil thirty minutes before you actually apply any shade on your lips.
In a nutshell, for that perfect ramp look, focus on one great makeup hack, and try to keep the rest neutral and classy. So with Smokey eyes, use a neutral lip shade and with a hot lip shade, try to keep your eyes neutral by just curling the eye lashes.
Are you ramp ready, well I am for now.